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  1. yammer

    The Basics of Aiptasia

    Here's my aipstasia story. About 6 months ago I had one pop up in my refugium (under the tank). It was growing in an awkward place to get at with bolining water, calc, etc. and since the ref. was doing a good job in rearing pods for the main tank I didn't want to put a peppermint in there. I...
  2. yammer

    Finally-the ultimate apstasia killer!

    Just did an extensive boiling water attack this weekend to about 5 of the buggers (3 in main, 2 in fuge). Seems to have done the trick... but of course I'm waiting to see if any of the fried tissue reconsitutes into a new one.
  3. yammer

    Red Slime Algae

    I've had minor bouts with red slime in my tank over its past year of breaking in. Minor outbreaks are nothing to worry too much about. One thing you might try (which worked well for me) is to cut your feedings in half. If you feed every day, just feed the same portions every OTHER day...
  4. yammer

    Clown hosts a coral?

    My ocellaris pair host in a large toadstool (sarcophyton). The coral doesn't mind at all and the clown does a nice job of cleaning our detritus, etc that collect on its surface. The female spends most of the day in the coral amongst the polyps and the male swims around the base. At night the...
  5. yammer

    Chiller with MH lighting

    I'm thinking about upgrading the lighting on my 100gal from 4 110 VHO's to 2 MH and 2 VHO actinic. My main question is whether it would be a given or not that I'd need a chilller with MH. I don't have one now and with just 2 fans at either end of the hood blowing out air my temps are held at a...
  6. yammer

    Question about a Lobophyllia

    I've got 2 that I've had for about 6 months and both are doing great. I feed them diced bits of shrimp once a week which they seem to enjoy. Both are about halfway up the tank with moderate light levels.
  7. yammer

    Too many tangs?

    The number of tangs you can have also depends a lot on the individual's personalities. I have a 100gal with a regal and yellow tang. They currently getting along, but the yellow is fairly terriorial and will go after the regal if it goes where the yellow doesn't want it. The tank is...
  8. yammer

    Need moving/setup advice! quickly!

    Dad, I moved my 100 gal a month ago. The whole process took about 18 hours - started 5am - finished 11pm. Moved about 1/2 hour. The tank included fish, many corals, 100lbs of live rock (I think), a DBS, inverts, and a small 10gal refugium. I used about 15 large rubbermaid containers. I...
  9. yammer

    A dumb statement ??

    Definately making an excuse. Fiji is south of the equator and therefore it is summer there right now. ;)
  10. yammer

    candy coral question

    Not sure about the health of your coral, but for what its worth, I never directly feed mine and its doing great. Its in a fairly illuminated part of the tank (100 gal with 440W of VHO). I do dose 5tsp of DT Phytoplankton every other day as well, but I don't do anything special to directly feed...
  11. yammer

    Mushroom cap popped off!!

    This is a natural occurence in mushrooms as a means of self propogation. I have red that the occurrence of disk separation is often a response to "overcrowding" in a particular cluster. The disk separates to float off with the chance of landing in a new less congested area. You can actually...
  12. yammer

    Ocellaris and Flowerpot

    golfish, I know about flowerpot mortality, but I have also heard the occasional success story which may indicate some unknown nutrient/element/process that is required. I will keep you all posted over the long term to see if this unexpected sybiosis has any impact on the long term success of...
  13. yammer

    Ocellaris and Flowerpot

    I believe my Ocellaris clowns were tank raised. Interesting to here how the clowns help in some cases and hurt in others.
  14. yammer

    Ocellaris and Flowerpot

    Hi, I though I'd share and interesting development I am having. I have both an ocellaris clownfish pair and a flowerpot (goniopora) in my tank which has been running for about 9 months. I've had the flower pot for about 3 months now and it actually started to suffer a bit after I'd had it for...
  15. yammer

    Do Mantis Shrimp Traps Work? I think I may need one...

    When I was first setting up my tank and added live sand (from Fiji), it came with 3 Mole Crabs. These are small white crabs varying in size from about 6 to 12mm. The key is that they live in the sand and burrow VERY rapidly through it whenever startled. As I mentioned, they are small and...
  16. yammer

    What temp do you keep your tank at??

    I also keep mine at 81-83. Everything doing well with a lot or reproductive activity especially with corallinamorph mushrooms, anthelia, zoanthids, and toadstools. I also have some montipora that is thriving. No chiller (yet), just rely on a heater and home AC.
  17. yammer

    Toadstool Leather

    Sorry to say, but that pic looks pretty bad. Its fairly common for toadstools to take a few days before opening up, but that looks like a total meltdown. Its unusual for amonia to spike when you just add a single coral. Perhaps you weren't really cycled yet? What conditon was the toadstool in...
  18. yammer

    Am I really that dirty?!?

    I have 2 cleaner shrimps that both love to nibble. Very cool.
  19. yammer

    Red Serpent star pulling it's legs off ????

    Is it actually 'pulling' its legs off or are they just falling off. I've had a red serpent for about 6 months now. Its doing fine now, but it did have some leg disentegration right after I put it in the tank. One leg completely broke apart and another lost about 2/3 of its length. They have...
  20. yammer

    Snails Question

    They grow their own shells as opposed to hermit crabs which only "borrow" them (which is why they need to upgrade as they grow). As for propagation I have witness rampant propagation of stomatella snails (2-4 came with my live rock - now I have hundreds), nassarious - saw several tiny ones on...