Search results

  1. squidword

    Live rock

    live rock for sure, fake or dead coral will look really good for about a month or so but will look like crap after that because of algae growth. Set up properly lr will look amazing all the time and help maintain goowd water conditions...just my two cents..
  2. squidword

    clown trigger pics

    after seeing those pic's I really have to have one now. Forget corals, aggressive is the way to go..tks :eek:
  3. squidword

    clown trigger pics

    Anybody have any pic's of their Clown Trigger? All the lfs's only have little ones on display. I know I'm getting one soon but wouldn't mind seeing a big one swimming around. TKS
  4. squidword

    trigger question

    think i'm going to try it out and if worse comes to worse I'll have to seperate but I'm quite optomistic considering I've kept dwarf Angels together with mild chasing and had no problems. End result is that I beleive with the right enviorment you'd be surprised what you can keep together...
  5. squidword

    hippo tang

    dude my favorite fish too...hippo's need a mature tank with excellent water conditions. I've seen these fish have little ich fits and seen it clear up in days as opposed to seeing my coral beauty react and have to yank him out and treat like right away. hmmm later
  6. squidword

    trigger question

    anybody succesfully keep triggers together and what kind were they? Planning on a clown and bursa trigger combo...don't freak out just wondering..tks
  7. squidword

    bought the wrong trigger

  8. squidword

    bought the wrong trigger

    hey it looks like that bursa triiger thanks. Hows there temperament compared to picaso because if he's a bad boy he's going back, maybe well I think I like him. See what happens. Is he a misbehaver? tks
  9. squidword

    bought the wrong trigger

    the trigger I picked up the other day I thought was a picaso is not what I thought it was. In the middle of its body it has a big brown dot. Instead of a yellow line it has a red line accross its face. What is this called??thanks
  10. squidword

    Protein Skimmer Problems

    seaclone 100 is the same unit I have and the water level in my tank has to be kept at or above the return spout or it doesn't skim a thing. In other words my water level has to be high, hope this helps.
  11. squidword

    Passenger on my LR

    Yesterday we purchased 25lbs. of live rock. When me and my son reached in to place the rock in the tank there was a crab in there about the size of an Emerald crab. Well it looked harmless so we left him in there. Once in the tank he came out for a stroll and damn he was UGLY. He looked like...
  12. squidword


    really sorry to hear that, ironically I just picked up my beauty yesterday and was planning on getting a lemonpeel soon. Did they get any visible parasites first or slowly lost there appetites. What happened?
  13. squidword

    How about these Angels together?

    the other day I saw a lemonpeel angel at one of the lfs's in my area. They don't seem to be of much discussion here but it seemed to have more character than your average fish. It also seemed as if he was looking at me with both eyes, cause the eyes are kind of positioned in front of the head...
  14. squidword

    Little bugs in my Tank, need help

    Great, I'll get started right away. thanks
  15. squidword

    Little bugs in my Tank, need help

    On average I wonder how many months it would take for their numbers to deminish? you see my wife thinks there disgusting, and looking at how many there are in my sea I kind of agree .thanks
  16. squidword

    Little bugs in my Tank, need help

    Thanks Sammy, I hope that's what they are because there is quite a few of them.
  17. squidword

    Little bugs in my Tank, need help

    Hi everyone, great board. I'm curious about a mild infestation I have of little white bugs in my tank. They are about the size of a needle head and can be found all over the glass in my tank which can only be seen if you were to look closely. My set up has been running for a month now and...