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  1. fda483

    LFS in New York

    House of Fins is great – very healthy fish, 7 day no questions asked guarantee on live stock, and great technical advice. They have been a little light on coral selection over the summer but overall the best LFS in the area New York Aquaria in Mamaroneck has less of a selection of fish but...
  2. fda483

    Post a picture of your favorite fish!

    Mr. T -- R.I.P.
  3. fda483

    Digital Camera Poll!!!

    Nikon D100
  4. fda483

    Sunday 3 pak....

    MarksMagic – yep got some bubble algae but gave up worrying about it long ago. When it gets big enough to grab I give it a twist and yank it out. Paul (reefermadness) as for Indiana – spent a day or two in Seymore many years ago, never had a need to return. The funny thing is that the on-line...
  5. fda483

    Sunday 3 pak....

    Sure - go for it - "armpit of the world" can't be that bad???
  6. fda483

    Sunday 3 pak....

  7. fda483

    Sunday 3 pak....

  8. fda483

    Sunday 3 pak....

  9. fda483

    Sunday 3 pak....

  10. fda483

    Sunday 3 pak....

    A quick 5 on a Sunday night,,,,,,:happyfish
  11. fda483

    I want pics of eels!!!!!!!!

    How about this big boy from the Atlantis, Paradise Island:scared:
  12. fda483

    I wanna see some Yuma's!

  13. fda483

    I wanna see some Yuma's!

    Here is one, and yes they are expensive!!!:yes:
  14. fda483

    Show us your Simbiotic pics

    Originally posted by ViPeR_930 fda483, what kind of fish is that? From what I can tell it's a Red Saddle Clown. Have had a pair of them for about 18 months now.
  15. fda483

    Show us your Simbiotic pics

    New anemone in tank 24 hours has a friend. :D
  16. fda483

    let's see some anthia's

    Mine eats anything - anything at all. Frozen Mysis shrimp, prime reef, even goes after Pro V veggies I use on ocassion for my tang. I also have 3 smaller Bartlett Anthias - they also will eat anything - when the big guy lets them!
  17. fda483

    let's see some anthia's

    Got to love the squarebacks!!! Had a pair until the blackout last summer - his mate did not make it. He is the king of the tank, between him and my White Face Tang they keep everyone else in the tank in line.
  18. fda483

    She loves it when it's naked....

    Cayman Isl - Just grabbed a quick shot of it. H2OENGR - Soap poisoning - yuck!!!!!!
  19. fda483

    Feeding Cyclop-eeze to mandrinfish?

    Mine seems to be eating Cyclop-eeze, but I have only had him for a month so I would say its too early to tell how well he will do. Whenever I feed Cyclop-eeze he seems to become very active and picks on it as it lands on the rock. I have yet to see him take any directly out of the water stream...
  20. fda483

    She loves it when it's naked....

    My clown just loves it, he really freaks if anyone goes near it. The only downside is that over the past 18 months or so since I got the toadstool it has grown HUGE. Its about 12 inches across. Its taking up a lot of high price real estate in my 90 gal tank.