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  1. violet puff

    Dogface puffer who wont eat....

    I have definately concitered, and even talked to my LFS about taking the dogface back, but it just breaks my heart! If thats what I am hearing here, and what I have been thinking I should just go ahead and do it. Its just sad! And I don't understand why he stopped eating. Water quality has been...
  2. violet puff

    Dogface puffer who wont eat....

    Hey everyone. I have a 100 gal FOWLR with a dogface puffer, a porcupine puffer, and a few others (yellow tang, koran angel, and a gang of crabs). The dogface tends to get picked on by the porcupine but only at mealtimes when i seperate them. Anyway, they have been living together for over a year...
  3. violet puff

    Feather dusters? Copepods?

    a late reply, but thanks everyone. Good to know they're not harmful.
  4. violet puff

    Feather dusters? Copepods?

    well, heh, to reply to my own post- I went to the LFS today and asked our guy about them. He says that they are a filter-feeder sponge and are no threat to the fish, usually grow on rocks or places that are out of the direct light.
  5. violet puff

    Feather dusters? Copepods?

    Hey, whatsup everyone? I've been noticing had these little white worm looking things popping up in my tank starting a few weeks ago. They're about 1 centimeter long (some are bigger, some are smaller) attached to rocks, although there are some in the overflow side filter and in the sump. Again...
  6. violet puff

    what the...?

    haha alright so they're not a-sexual, I do have a male and a female. Cool.
  7. violet puff

    what the...?

    Im not sure if this is the right place to post, but I have two cleaner shrimp in my 55 g tank (in addition to other inverts, the fish are in QT right now for ick) and when I went to go feed them tonight, I noticed one shrimp looks normal and the other one looks like its full with eggs in the...
  8. violet puff

    how long do fish have to be in QT?

    Oh, i'm sorry that was silly of me! It was an ich treatment. I hypo for the first few weeks untill it cleared up and have done regular water changes in the DT.
  9. violet puff

    how long do fish have to be in QT?

    I have had my pork puffer in a 10 gallon QT for over a month and hes getting really ansy. There were 2 cromis that were still in the DT, about 3 weeks ago because I couldn't catch them and eventually had to take out everything, all the huge LR, just to get them. My question is, do any of the...
  10. violet puff

    Chromis Very Sick

  11. violet puff

    weird puffer eating behavior- wHy?!

    woo hoo! after 4 whole days of my puffer refusing to eat, spitting water at the food or just chewing it up and spitting it back out; he has eaten! Puffers are so smart- I was siting next to the tank and eating my dinner and he looked really excited so I got the idea, maybe he will see what I am...
  12. violet puff

    weird puffer eating behavior- wHy?!

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 He might just be pissed with the move to the qt, give him a few days. I know! It's like he's punishing me. Thanks man~
  13. violet puff

    weird puffer eating behavior- wHy?!

    I've had my porkie puffer for a few months now, always a healthy eater, never given a problem. Feed him fresh wild caught shrimp, clams, and krill. Well, I had to quarintine him for Ich and that was fine for the first few days, now he wont eat anything. He will even chew it, but spits it back...
  14. violet puff

    Very Sick Fish

    Got the HOT filter replaced for one that works, put some filter media from the DT in the new filter. took live rock out (except for one little piece from in the sump) and got a cool fake rock cave , and some background. Roscoe says thanks!!
  15. violet puff

    Very Sick Fish

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Your chromis are fish, therefore they are ich hosts. Your inverts cannot host ich. ALL fish have to be treated. By filter media I mean a filter pad. What kind of filters do you have for the DT and the QT. You will have to acclimate the chromis in over 48hrs. Use a...
  16. violet puff

    life span of cleaner shrimp

    what did you feed the cleaner shrimp? Mine go crazy when I put the Mysis shrimp in for the other fish, i'm wondering if I'm feeding them enough... thx katy
  17. violet puff

    Very Sick Fish

    ok, thanks, taking the LR out now. Thought it would help with the cycling since it was set up on an emergency basis. Filter Media = gravel? *blush* there is some gravel from the DT in there. 20% water changes every other day. I've read you can scrape some goop off from the sump or something to...
  18. violet puff

    Very Sick Fish

    Originally Posted by Beth Those medications just are not very effective. I would suggest setting up a temporary holding container (such as a Rubbermaid) for your live rock, and treating your fish with hyposalinity. I did forget to mention I was treating with hyposalinity. First to 1.019, and...
  19. violet puff

    Very Sick Fish

    oh ok, right. It was making the top all foamy. Im embarassed to admit, but I have had Fresh Water fish my whole life but I'm a newbie at SW. I need all the help I can get!
  20. violet puff

    Very Sick Fish

    Originally Posted by renogaw why on earth would your LFS tell you to put this in? it is most likely a calcium or alk buffer, and if you cannot test for that stuff then do not put it in. my guess is as good as yours. It was actually recommended by 2 different LFS, I suppose because it's...