Search results

  1. hun25

    Excalibur Skimmers?

    I have had one on my 75g for 5 years now and havent had any problems with it! Works great!
  2. hun25

    Mag or Quiet one?

    Cant decide between a Mag 9.5 and a quiet one 4000, noise is an issue! I would greatly appreciate any input!
  3. hun25

    have to ask!

    Someone gave me a great sump/refug that he had custom made a few years ago but no longer needs. The problem is it is 2 inches too wide for my stand!!! Is there aythig that can be done to narrow this thing?(i.e. cutting 2 inches out of the middle and welding back togeather?
  4. hun25

    where to put ur MH ballasts

    OK, Now I am confused!!! I just bought 2x250w Mh lights with Icecap ballests. I dont have them yet but I still dont know what to do with the ballests. I hear they get hot, Can they go on the floor behind or beside the tank? Do they need to be on something or can I put them directly on the...
  5. hun25

    Tank pictures. Let me know what you think.

    Looks Great! :cheer: :cheer:
  6. hun25

    WTS: 250W MH Mini Pendant

    Boomper, sent e-mail.
  7. hun25

    FINISHED MY SUmp/FUGE but is it done?

    Sorry I cant answer your question, Just wanted to say what a great job you did on that! Looks like a professional made it!!! I am looking for someone to build me one, let me know if your interested in the job.
  8. hun25

    WTB MH lights

  9. hun25

    WTB MH lights

    I am looking for 2x250 MH lights in either 36" or 48" fixture or 2 pendents. Can be in combo with PC or VHO! Looking for complete fixture, No retros!
  10. hun25

    Another lighting question!

    Its a 75 Gal, 4'x18"x20"
  11. hun25

    Another lighting question!

    Are there any major drawbacks to having a 4ft light with one 400w HM bulb instead of two 250w ( other than the loss of 100w of light )??? The bulb is in the center of the fixture with PC's around it. The light will hang above my tank several inches, will it concentrate too much light in one...
  12. hun25

    First time doing tests

    Hey bchbum, I live in Va Beach too! Are you getting your water from Animal Jungle ? If so , make sure you test it before you put it in your tank. I have had some problems with it, (salitity and PH) Fish safari is a much better choice if you are going to animal jungle.
  13. hun25

    trying to lower nitrates

    Joe09' What size tank is that you used for your sump?
  14. hun25

    GPH help please!

    I am going to have to purchase a pump anyway. What size, brand pump do you suggest?I want the quietest one I can get! :notsure:
  15. hun25

    GPH help please!

    I have a 75gal, drilled tank and am thinking about adding a second return nozzle since there is already a port for it and to increase my water flow. I am going to buy a new pump and was not sure how the second nozzle will effect choosing a pump. I have read that 20x -30x turnover is best for a...
  16. hun25

    lighting question!

    I think I am going to purchase the 8x54 (432w) light since he came down on the price. My next question is what assortment of bulbs should I get? He has 10K and actinie 420nm he will give me with the light . Thanks for any help I can get!
  17. hun25

    lighting question!

    The 432w is $339.00. I am so confused about this lighting business. With my Hubby out of touch I will have to learn quick!!!!! The bottom line is I want to get him a lighting system that will allow him to go forward with his tank but that wont break the bank!!! My budget is about $400 max. Any...
  18. hun25

    lighting question!

    Hello, I am new here and cannot believe the wealth of info available on this site!!! I have inherited a 75 gal tank, It is my husbands who is out of the country for awhile. I need to buy a new light and have a choice of two. 6x54 T5HO (324 w total) or 8x54 (432 total) I know he wants to venture...