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  1. pangdonger

    Where do you buy a red lens?

    Army Navy Store or any military surplus. Wal- Mart does have some smaller lights with interchangeable lenses.
  2. pangdonger

    Killer Shrimp!

    I had a worm called a "Eunicid". I found empty snail shells and hermit carcasses underneath the rock that it was living in. Not saying that is what is killing your stuff, If you have LR, you may have an unwanted hitchhiker.
  3. pangdonger

    Lightning fast "blur" ?

    No we did not get a pic. We flushed it. My tank has been up for 7 weeks now. It came in some of the LR we got from our LFS. Read the link in post # 12 of this thread and it wiil show you a eunicid. Although we were dealing with a much smaller version.
  4. pangdonger

    Critterless LR

    Put a red lens on a flashlight. You will see alot of stuff without scaring it away.
  5. pangdonger

    Critterless LR

    I would keep it. It has life in it and if your lucky no uwanted hitchhikers like I had. Read the post I just put up.
  6. pangdonger

    Lightning fast "blur" ?

    I finally got it! I saw it feeding on another dead hermit and took the rock out it was in. Underneath the rock was a collection of snail and hermit shells. I do not know if it was killing and eating them, but they had been disappearing slowly from working the rocks. Hot water from a turkey...
  7. pangdonger

    I don't believe it !

    Thanks for your replies. I came home from work to find they had cleaned the rock even more. If they do lay eggs, I do not have anything set up to retrieve the fry when they hatch. I have been reading on what I need to do, and I believe I am capable of rearing them, I just was not ready for it to...
  8. pangdonger

    New Clowns

    Mine are pretty new and they eat Omega One flakes with garlic very well.
  9. pangdonger

    I don't believe it !

    My two clowns have been in my tank for about two weeks or so. When I saw one of them acting strangely, I started researching more on them. The little quivering dance, staying near the same rock, etc. A week ago I saw that the belly of the brighter colored one was swollen and the other one doing...
  10. pangdonger

    Turbo Snails and Coraline

    My tank has been up for a month now and the purple started spreading pretty quickly, but I have not seen the white anywhere else. It just seems to be getting thicker. My lfs people said that it was kind of quick for a new tank to start the spreading of the purple so early.
  11. pangdonger

    Turbo Snails and Coraline

    Does it look like this? I think it is white coraline algae.
  12. pangdonger

    Crab in trouble?

    My sally light foot has been scratching itself against the rocks and its color seems to be fading a little. Has anyone ever encountered this before?
  13. pangdonger

    What to do? LFS is killing me. Pack it up or wait

    Originally Posted by nicetry Take pictures of the workmanship, including the leak. Make sure you have all of your receipts for everything. I would give him a deadline for a satisfactory resolution of the job, otherwise you will have an attorney contact him. Secure an attorney (family friend if...
  14. pangdonger

    My new tank

    Great pic's. I have one of those tank gazers too!
  15. pangdonger

    Feeling Lucky

    I have been reading some of the other newbies threads and and consider myself lucky that I have not experienced some of the problems they have had. My tank is a 75 gl, 90 lbs live rock, 60 lb live sand, w/d sump with skimmer, two powerheads, and is at nearly a month in operation. After the...
  16. pangdonger

    Lightning fast "blur" ?

    Hopefully if I see him I will cut the lights on and he will not come out.
  17. pangdonger

    Lightning fast "blur" ?

    Thanks for the identity of the creature from the abyss. I will wait till I see it on one of my lone rocks and get it out.
  18. pangdonger

    Explain where your user name originated

    Lost some of my hearing in a training accident at Ft. Knox. When two people are talking, radio or tv is on, everything seems scrambled and I can't make out anything. Wife and daughter make fun of me all the time for some of the things I think I heard. 14 yr old daughter was telling wife what she...
  19. pangdonger

    Diatoms? what can i do

    Mine did the same thing after about a week. I was told to use a turkey baster to flush it out of the sand and off of the lr and that the bloom was normal. It worked for me, but I am new to salt and some of the experts on here may have better ideas and reasons why.
  20. pangdonger

    ordering fish from here

    Put my order in Monday and got it today. Followed the acclimation procedures and everything is good so far.