Search results

  1. sprieto

    lunare wrasse??

    I called mine "lulu" beacuse he was crazy. He dug holes in the sand, under rocks, but was also content just hiding in the rocks. I never saw hm bury himself in the sand, but i only had him a week. He was just to crazy (and active) and fought with the other fish, so I returned him. Good luck...
  2. sprieto

    Tap Water Additive Suggestions?

    I actually use 3 different detox chemicals for my tap water. I am in Vegas and the water here is really bad. Make sure whatever you use covers ALL the bases: Ammonia, chlorine, heavy metals, etc. That is actually way I use 3 different ones, good luck.
  3. sprieto

    Hyposalinity Question

    Beth????? I am about to start the same process tommorow. Your questions are good and I am curious at the answer. How big is your tank and how many fish do you have in it? Have they or do they all show signs of ick? Any other behavior observations; scratching, lathargic, lack of appitite during...
  4. sprieto

    Trigger with Fleas???

    If he was a dog I would think he had fleas. My Huma seems to drag his side along the sand. I don't know if he is trying to make a hole (like the clown does) or if he is scratching himself. He didn't do it a lot at first but now does it more and more. Anybody ever seen something like this?
  5. sprieto

    Tank Stained - permenant???

    I don't think so..... It was for Ick, a dark blue chemical.....
  6. sprieto

    porcupine puffer yellow fins not eating

    How long has it been since he ate? Have you tried live food?
  7. sprieto

    Tank Stained - permenant???

    At the time it was my main display, now it will be my permenant hospital tank. I did remove the live rock before medicating, and yes, it is a glass tank. So I didn't plan on ever putting live rock back in the tank (since it will be kept as a hospital), or inverts or coral, just fish. The glass...
  8. sprieto

    Math for drop / raise salt during Hypo?

    Is there a mathamatical equation for the amount to drop salinity during hypo treatment? As I understand we can drop salinity over a week, but raise it over two weeks. Okay, I was read it could be dropped as fast as a few days, but raise it up twice as slow. Is there an amount to delude salt...
  9. sprieto

    Tank Stained - permenant???

    I tried using a medication to help with a ich problem. At first it seemed to work, later it didn't, going to try Hypo now. Anyways....the medication stained the sides of the tank "blue". Is there anything that might help remove this, or will it eventually go away with proper water changes and...
  10. sprieto

    Run Carbon during Hyposalinity treatment?

    It was called "Rid Ick" or "Ick Guard". A dark blue chemical that stained the tank I know the carbon and skimmer will remove it, but will trace elements left behind affect hypo treatment. Also, will hypo affect the bio wheel on the power filter or the ceramcic rings in the canister filter?
  11. sprieto

    What's marine velvet?

    Does it appear on the fins, or the hole body? Will hypo treatment help this at all?
  12. sprieto

    What's marine velvet?

    Does it look like ick?
  13. sprieto

    Run Carbon during Hyposalinity treatment?

    Should you remove carbon before doing hypo treatment? What about your protein skimmer, off or on? I had tried medication first for a week (will waiting to get a refractometer), and now want to try hypo treatment? Will trace amounts of medication still in the tank affect hypo treatment? I tried...
  14. sprieto

    How much light is too much?

    I have been trying to get a staight answer myself. I have a 48" satillite for my 60g, and I want to get 2 - 30" satillites for a 90g long. My Porc puffer seems a little sensitive (but he has been sick). LFS saya it makes a difference how deep (or tall) your tank is. I found good info at another...
  15. sprieto

    Help Ich

    Nemolover3, what was the treatment?
  16. sprieto

    Such a thing as "to much oxygen" in a tank?

    Is it possable to have to much oxygen in a tank? I know it is possable not to have enough, does it work the other way?
  17. sprieto

    Aeration for newly mixed salt water?

    How long does one aerate salt water for after mixing? Can (or is it possable) one "over" aerate salt water? Should one only aerate for 24-48 hours, or does it not really matter? (Example, if I forgot to turn of the power heads that where aerateing newly mixed salt water, lets say for over 2...
  18. sprieto

    To much light?

    Everytime I turn on the light (or even let natural light in the room), he runs and hides under the rocks. I can not get a good look at the infection (to see if it's getting any better), and yes, he does seem to be sensitive to the light. Is it because he is sick (the porc puffer), or is thethis...
  19. sprieto

    Foxface - Rabbitfish or Tang?

    I have seen on other web sites a "fox face" listed as a Rabbitfish. However, on this site, it is under the Tang catagory. Which is it? Can one keep a foxface with other tangs? I know some tangs can be kept together while others you can't (similar shapes are bad?). What kind of Tang, if any, can...