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  1. sprieto

    Someone has lied to me

    Technically the Nurse shark would die in about an hour, the damsels wont. And the Nurse Shark will cost a lot more than the $5 damsel.
  2. sprieto

    Puffer compatibility w/ other Puffers

    Puffer compatibility w/ other Puffers [hr] I read that puffers are not compatible with other puffers? Is this true? Anyone with any experiance? Just wondering if I could keep a Porc Puffer and a Blue Haw Puffer together....
  3. sprieto

    I need some assistance...

    You still add detox items to the tap water right? What do you use? If your store filter water has Ph that is low, do you have a Ph buffer?
  4. sprieto

    Someone has lied to me

    Technically couldn't one add damsels... yea, I know (or hear) it is cruel, but one could do it...... and the fish might live, and then the book technically didn't lie.........
  5. sprieto

    Puffer compatibility w/ other Puffers

    I read that puffers are not compatible with other puffers? Is this true? Anyone with any experiance? Just wondering if I could keep a Porc Puffer and a Blue Haw Puffer together....
  6. sprieto

    Hyposalinity Question

    I was usually at 78, but heard it was good to keep it at 80 during hypo, just wanted another opinion...... Thanks.....
  7. sprieto

    Basic Tank prices around the country?

    What are basic tanks going for in your area (state)? I'm from the California (Bay Area / Northern Ca.), but currently live in Las Vegas NV. Tank prices average at about $1 per gallon up to about 84 gallons. So a 60 gallon costs $60, and a 84 gallon cost $84. This is just for the tank, no stand...
  8. sprieto

    Hyposalinity Question

    What's the proper temp to have during hypo treatment?
  9. sprieto

    2 more Hypo ???

    I read somewhere that ick is always in the tank, just dormit ????? I think that if 1.009 would kill ick but not harm fish then why not tell everyone who does fish only to keep there tank at 1.009. There has to be long term affects for else why not leave our fish only tanks at 1.009. Everything...
  10. sprieto

    spider webs in my tank,hmmm webs from rock to rock

    One day I got a urchin and a feather duster. I started to notice a spider web (clear / white), very long, going from these two into the filters (canister filter and power filter intakes). It quickly turned into lota of webbing, at the time the urchin and feather duster where together. I...
  11. sprieto

    4 inch lionfish safe with...

    But we both know when he getes to big to watch out.... I say this because others will think we are dumb and did not think of them getting eaten. They might, but no day soon.
  12. sprieto

    4 inch lionfish safe with...

    I have a lion, trigger, and porc puffer with a perc clown, the get along fine...... But personalities do varry fish to fish........
  13. sprieto

    Hyposalinity Question

    Beth or anybody new: How long can I stay at .009 safely? Will the Ick ever be gone for good if I dont add anything?
  14. sprieto

    2 more Hypo ???

    Thanks Bird Dog, no responce on your other postes, i'll bump it up again.
  15. sprieto

    2 more Hypo ???

    So with a refractometers variance of +/- .001, it is possable that a reading of 1.009 could actually be 1.010 or 1.008. I did just get my refractometer (yes, very cool). Everything is going okay, just want to have all the bases covered. So I read anything higher than 1.009 (1.010) will not be...
  16. sprieto

    2 more Hypo ???

    Does one do regular (bi-weekly?) water changes once salinity has reached targeted 1.009? And, I read salinity must be dropped to at least 1.009 or it will not work. If true, 1.010 is not affective, then how low is to dangerous for the fish, 1.008, 1.007 or is it lower? If hydrometers are no good...
  17. sprieto

    Help! Clowns swimming on surface

    mine too, sleeps looking up, horizantal, and towards the top..........
  18. sprieto

    lunare wrasse??

    He actually fought a lot with my perc clown. The clown never backed down though, he is a tough little guy. They actually would ram side to side into each other (like bumper cars). The clown would even chase the wrasse later during fights (though the wrasse seemed to pick the fight), it was crazy...
  19. sprieto

    Humu Humu Trigger

    I have a Porc Puffer, lion, and a perc clown with my picaso. They all get along, and the only time he seems overly aggresive is during feedings. He will actully pock and pull food out of the puffers mouth, he tried it with the lion, but the lion was a little less forgiving. I think it varies...
  20. sprieto

    Hyposalinity Question

    Thank you, I got a refractometer and a Ph buffer. I am a little worried but I most do what must be done. How fast to drop it and how slow to bring it up. I thought dropping salinity .002 a day from 1.023 to 1.009 in 7 days, and bring it up .001 a day for 14 days (leaving at 1.009 for at least 3...