Search results

  1. sprieto

    DON'T GET MAD (just your opinion)!

    Thank you, many are together or have been mixed, so they get along well. The two clowns get along, and the lions are mellow. I also have a Picaso Trigger, but he is way to aggresive for the angels, so I plan to give him away. I also had a second Porc Puffer, but I know I can only keep one. The...
  2. sprieto

    DON'T GET MAD (just your opinion)!

    I have a 180 gallon tank (60" long x 18"wide x 30" tall, about). The following is a list of ALL the fish I have (scattered in 3 tanks, a 30, 60, and 90 gallon). What should (or can) go in the 180 together? Also listed is the current size: 1 Perc Clown (1") 1 Osc Clown (3") 1 Potter Angel (2") 1...
  3. sprieto

    To many bubbles!!!

    Thanks everybody.......... I think it has to do with the air plug and the water flow valve. I was playing with them and got a little improvement, but am still working on it. I seems like a good skimmer, i hope I can bet the bugs out. Thank you all...........
  4. sprieto

    To many bubbles!!!

    I got a Prism Pro (up to 200g) for my 180g tank. At its lowest setting it is spitting out to many bubbles, on high it is just crazy. What do I do??????????
  5. sprieto

    Porc Puffer w/ Porc Puffer

    I have 1 Porc Puffer in a 60 gallon and 1 Porc Puffer in a 84 gallon. Could I put them both in a 180 gallon tank together? Will they get along? Will they fight? Opinions or experiances appriciated. Thank you
  6. sprieto

    2 Porc Puffers

    I have 1 Porc Puffer in a 60 gallon and 1 Porc Puffer in a 84 gallon. Could I put them both in a 180 gallon tank together? Will they get along? Will they fight? Opinions or experiances appriciated. Thank you
  7. sprieto


    Good Luck : )
  8. sprieto


    He should live. Why not have just let him eat the damsels?
  9. sprieto


    What's the other fish? Hardiness might matter?
  10. sprieto

    UV Sterilizers

    Thank you. Scary to think that you see no difference. I thought they might help also for water circulation, but is it work it?? WHAT A DEBATE?
  11. sprieto

    Mexican turbo snails?

    They could go days with out moving, but when they do, they move, and you can tell. If they die, when you pick them up the will literally decompose and fall out of there shell. It will smell rancid, really, really bad. if you pick them up and they don't fall aprt they are probobly okay. I bought...
  12. sprieto

    UV Sterilizers

    Worth it or not? 2 small units or 1 medium unit for a 180g? Any opinions?
  13. sprieto

    Ocs. Clown & Perc. Clowns

    Should I introduce at the same time or should one go before the other?
  14. sprieto

    Clown vs. Clown

    I have 2 Perc. clowns (small, 1 inch each) in a 30 gallon. I have 1 Ocs. Clown (false Perc., large, almost 3 inchs). I want to put them all together in a 180 gallon tank. Will they get along??????????
  15. sprieto

    Ocs. Clown & Perc. Clowns

    I have 2 Perc. clowns (small, 1 inch each) in a 30 gallon. I have 1 Ocs. Clown (false Perc., large, almost 3 inchs). I want to put them all together in a 180 gallon tank. Will they get along??????????
  16. sprieto

    Broken Fin on Lion Fish

    So I transferred a V. Lion from a 60 gallon to a 90 gallon. I used a net to lure him into a collection cup and dripped him. I noticed later he had a broken / damaged fin (on the lion main), not on top. I thought he might have already had it (I have had him since he was smaller than a inch and...
  17. sprieto


    Are different types of starfish compatable? I had brittle stars (2) and they did not seem to get along....... What about totally different star fish?
  18. sprieto

    Broken Fin on Lion Fish

  19. sprieto


    Are different types of starfish compatable? I had brittle stars (2) and they did not seem to get along....... What about totally different star fish?
  20. sprieto

    Broken Fin on Lion Fish

    So I transferred a V. Lion from a 60 gallon to a 90 gallon. I used a net to lure him into a collection cup and dripped him. I noticed later he had a broken / damaged fin (on the lion main), not on top. I thought he might have already had it (I have had him since he was smaller than a inch and...