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  1. sprieto

    Live sand question(s)....

    Thanks everyone. I am going to do a shallow live sand bed with plenty good quality live rock. 10% weekly water changes, protein skimmer, and I plan on just a few fish and some easy coral (mushrooms, etc). Thanks again everyone. I feel like my brain is going to explode from all the research... I...
  2. sprieto

    No protein skimmer??

    Thanks for the input....
  3. sprieto

    No protein skimmer??

    Pro/ Cons?
  4. sprieto

    No protein skimmer??

    Anybody every heard of running a nano tank with no protein skimmer but frequent water changes?
  5. sprieto

    Live sand question(s)....

    Can you post a pic of your tank (bare bottom). I just don't think I would like the way that looks, though I know it must make cleaning your tank a breeze. I keep reading either a shallow Sand bed or a deep sand bed (nothing in between), or bare bottom. I keep going back and forth on what I am...
  6. sprieto

    Live sand question(s)....

    Thanks..... I keep reading (in various places) that I shouldn't have to Add a "raw shrimp" if I am using Live Sand/Live Rock combo.... So many different methods / opinions.............
  7. sprieto

    beginner to saltwater

    You can do it, not impossible, but lots of work. Do your homework. Research, research, research...
  8. sprieto

    beginner to saltwater

    Why not keep your 29 gallon biocube, empty and clean really good, and use as your base. You might also consider a small protein skimmer.
  9. sprieto

    Live sand question(s)....

    I am setting up a 29 gallon Biocube (20"x20"). How deep of a sand bed, 1 to 2 inch or 4 to 5 inch? All live sand ok, or do I need a 1/2 and 1/2 sand bed (w/live sand on top)? Will live sand w/ live rock alone start the cycle process? Opinions would be great! Thanks...
  10. sprieto

    Oceanic 29 gallon Bio Cube - Set Up question(s)

    Dude, I know to start off cycling the tank, like I mentioned, I have some experiance. Thanks anyways though. The tank is new in a box and I am starting to get my extra components and wanted to just get it right the first time setting it up so I wont have to make changes later. I guess what...
  11. sprieto

    Oceanic 29 gallon Bio Cube - Set Up question(s)

    Hello everyone. I am not necessarily new to salt water fish but I am new to Nano Reef Systems and set ups. My previous experience with FOWLR (I previously used Canister Filters, Power Filters w/ Bio Wheels, & Protein Skimmers. I had a 30g, 84g, & 180g). A few years ago I moved, sold my tanks...
  12. sprieto


    So the right type of flourescent light would work under cirtain circumstances? So back to the original question, can mushrooms live under the "correct type" of flourescent lighting?
  13. sprieto


    So what about "mini nano systems" like "Ecplise", "Oceanic Biocube", "Red Sea Max", and the "Nano Cubes", that claim to be reef ready with compact flourescents built it (some have upgraded lights, but not all, and many claim there flourescents can run mini reef tanks.......... Sorry, not meaning...
  14. sprieto

    What do you feed?

    So it really depends on the paticular coral (soft or hard) on what you feed it and how often........... Do you turn off circulation pumps during feeding? Direct feed or add to the entire tank I guess would also matter on the type of corals and type of food????
  15. sprieto


    I thought it mattered on the amount of light more than anything? I could have swarn I read flourescents are okay for "low to medium" light requiremnts (like soft corals?), if the watts was high enough?????
  16. sprieto

    What do you feed?

    Soft Corals? How often?
  17. sprieto

    Should I run 2 protein skimmers??

    Did you change any chemicals used to purify the water? Any meds or anything? My skimmers have done that when I changed brands of chemicals..... WEIRD!
  18. sprieto

    Magnificent Foxface

    No Puffer fish????? Puffers are great, freindly, and have a bunch of personality..... If you don't have one, or was not planning on one, it's something to think about...
  19. sprieto

    Magnificent Foxface

    They are suppose to be peaceful like the regular fox face.... I have a regular foxface, and he is the coward of the tank. I have a 180 with: Porc Puffer Volt Lion Fox Face Blue Hippi Tang Blue Line Trigger Fu Man Lion and a Salfin tang that the Blue Tang is killing slowly..... You should fine!
  20. sprieto

    protein skimmer

    A protein skimmer is used to remove biowaste products, so no. Your Aquaclear is probobly a "power filter", used aas your "main filter". For a 10 gallon fresh water you are fine. A saltwater tank, no matter what size, needs both, a "main filter" and a protein skimmer...... Sorry this might not...