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  1. sprieto

    Porc Puffers - Do you have?

    What do you feed yours?
  2. sprieto

    how do i get this damsel out of here?

    The hard way.........they are smart, fast, little buggers...........
  3. sprieto

    New to saltwater

    What was the "coral base to buffer my tap water" that was suggested to you?
  4. sprieto

    New to Reefs

    Okay, so 2 power heads pointed towrds each other to conter act the flow is okay??? What about 2 power deads under rocks? Would this create enough water flow (obviously depending on the gph of the power head)?
  5. sprieto

    New to Reefs

    Okay, so I am reading buring power heads under rocks are okay..... How do you hide the power cords......with rocks all the way to the top??
  6. sprieto

    New to Reefs

    So where would be a could position for a power head? 1)At the bottem, in a corner, pointing to the center of the tank? In my previous FO tanks I placed rocks far enough away for the glass to be able to run a cleaning magnet past, is this still okay, or should the rock be stacked in the back...
  7. sprieto

    New to Reefs

    So I want to do my first reef tank (nothing to fancy, just a small start). I was going to use my 30g tank (30x12x18) with a 280gph Power Filter as a primary filter, w/ a Protein Skimmer rated up to a 90g tank. Generic questions: 1) Should I add a internal filter for extra water flow (or a power...
  8. sprieto

    Transfer from a 240 to a new 30

    So how bad whould this be: I have a 240g tank. I want to set up a new 30g from the 240. I want to transfer over 2 Anglers that are in the 240 to a 30. Can I remove 30g of water from the 240 directly to the 30 and add fish? Obviously it will cycle again not matter what; but would the water (since...
  9. sprieto

    What is the best Skimmer on the market?

    What about "Hang On" skimmers, what is the best out there?
  10. sprieto

    Need new Skimmer 180g

    I have tried the Prism's and the Seaclones. I am now wanting / needing a better skimmer. Has to be a "hang on". It's between: Using one (1)Berlin Classic Hang on (rated at 250g tanks) or using two (2) Colalife Super Skimmers (rated at 125g tanks) HELP!
  11. sprieto


    Some new type of medication to help fight ich. Anyone every heard of it? Tried it? Comments?
  12. sprieto

    Last 180 stocking question - I swear

    What about a puffer? LFS, set up a 180 w/ lion, puffer, grouper, foxface, and an eel. My 180 has: V. Lion Fu Man Lion Porc. Puffer Foxface 2 - Anglers Emperor Angel Blue Hippo Tang Moorish Idol Racoon Butterfly Dot dash Butterfly Good luck.
  13. sprieto

    plz help skimmer set up!!!

    Be warned: when you add chemicals (or anyything fot that matter) your skimmer might do funny things. I was doing a water change with water that had a new detox chemical I had never used and my skimmer began to overflow water. It continued to do so until I beleave it had removed all of the new...
  14. sprieto

    plz help skimmer set up!!!

    Which Prism, there are two types a smaller one and a larger one. If it's the smaller one, did you move the hose that starts up the pump from one barb to the other? Slow the rate till the trap that lest water in almost closes completly. I hade both sizes, but Prism is not that great of a skimmer...
  15. sprieto

    Tank Break

    For the record the fish actully broke the tank. There are a few that I guess can (glass tanks of course). A fresh water Aferican Cichlids was the fish in my room mates case. I think Cat fish have been known to break tanks. I would still take glass over acrylic any day.
  16. sprieto

    Tank Break

    I leaved with a friend who had a 55g (long) fresh water tank w/ 1 african Cic. One day (a Monday night, right as "Monday Night Raw, a wrestling show") the fish got angry, slammed himself repeatedly into the glass (swimming from one end to another and just ramming it). The tank cracked and began...
  17. sprieto

    lees skimmer good or bad

    It sucks. Get at least a "Berlin Airlift Skimmer". It comes in a 60g or a 90g (same unit, just ones a little longer). Around $60, but well worth it. You should really get a Seaclone 100 (you could find them as low as $80 on-line).
  18. sprieto

    180g fish wish list

    The Moorish is doing great. Eating a lot, and swimming in a "healthy" fashion. I have had him almost 1 month now. I had a Picasso Trigger before, but it was way to aggresive (same with most Wrasses). The 2 anglers are a little bit of a head ache now, it's hard to get them to eat. They only want...
  19. sprieto

    180g fish wish list

    Yes, you can keep 1 dwarf and 1 large. IMO you can keep multiple dwarf's, but only 1 large angel in a tank. I have a 180, way overstocked (I will probobly get an ear full for this): 1 - V. Lion (8") 1 - Porc. Puffer (5") 1 - Foxface (5") 1 - Blue Hippo Tang (4") 1 - Emperor Angel (4") 1 - Fu Man...
  20. sprieto

    Hippo Tang

    What's the temp in the tank and what king of skimmer do you have? My tang is still showing the same white zits, a lot of them now and it's been more than a week. Only the tang is showing these markes, there are 10 other fish (mostly small on a 180), but all are looking okay. My tang is eating...