Search results

  1. sprieto

    Substrate for bottom dwellers?

    I know crushed coral is bad (for many reasons), but, as compared to sand, how bad is it for bottom dwelling fish (i.e.: Mandarin Goby)? What are long term affects?
  2. sprieto

    Container to mix salt?

    ha, ha, it will be inside........ Hey some else had a good idea, stack 2 together to make it more sturdy. What do you think (overkill?)?
  3. sprieto

    Container to hold salt water?

    Oooooo, aaaaaaaaa What a great idea!!!!! Most are stackable securly (at least I can find one that is). What a great responce............THANK YOU!
  4. sprieto

    To much light?

    Would the light make an ick infection worse? Sorry to keep asking questions...
  5. sprieto

    Container to mix salt?

    I use the 5g from HD al well. I was reading one should aerate (sp) water with a power head or something (also helps mix salt water) and leave salt water pre mixed for a few days. I fiqured insead of having to mix salt every weekend (which is what it feels like), I can spend the day doing it...
  6. sprieto

    To much light?

    One more try, any more opinions..............
  7. sprieto

    Adding to Hospital Tank

    I don't think they will fight. I want to treat a total of 4 fish. 2 or already in quarintine, and I want to move over another two? What is the time frame to move fish to quarintine? Basically I didn't want to move to many fish at once. At first I thought only 2 fish got infected, but now I worry...
  8. sprieto

    Container to hold salt water?

    Can I purchuse a brand new (clean) 32 gallon plastic trash can (and clean it really good), to mix and hold salt water for later use? It would be kept indoors, and airconditioned to room temp. Is this sanitary (or okay)?
  9. sprieto

    Container to mix salt?

    Can I purchuse a brand new (clean) 32 gallon plastic trash can (and clean it really good), to mix and hold salt water for later use? It would be kept indoors, and airconditioned to room temp. Is this sanitary (or okay)?
  10. sprieto

    Adding to Hospital Tank

    How many fish to you add to a hospital tank at a time? More specific: 60 gallon hospital tank being treated for ick (whether it be medication, or hypo treatment, but it's medication for now until I can afford a refractometer in a few weeks), currently with a Porc Puffer and a Perc Clown (both...
  11. sprieto

    To much light?

    In a hospital tank (lets say 60g), being treated for ick (whether with medication or hypo treatment), and you see or think of ppossable signs of infection in other fish in another tank, how soon do you move fish to quarentine, how many at a time?
  12. sprieto

    To much light?

    The shutting off the lights "calming the fish" has also resulted in my clown not being as active or eating as much. I think the clown in confused about the day / night thing right now. So far I only have the puffer, a clown, and a gramma (that will be removed very soon). Thay are all very small...
  13. sprieto

    To much light?

    Is there such thing as to much light? LFS guy was telling me some fish are more sensitive to light than others. In paticular, my Porc. Puffer might be getting to much light. For various reasons, I beleave he got ick, they guy at LFS says to shut off light to help. This sprouted a conversation on...
  14. sprieto

    Are fish in danger during Hypo treatment?

    So how long should hypo treatment be performed for (max time)? What if no signs of the fish getting better? Thanks for the responce. The fish(s) in paticular is a Por Puffer, royal gramma, and a clown (I also have a trigger, lion, and damsel, in a 30 gallon, maybe infected, maybe not, I am...
  15. sprieto

    How to control PH during Hypo?

    Would baking soda increase or decrease PH? How much to you measure to use per what?
  16. sprieto

    How to control PH during Hypo?

    How would baking soda work?
  17. sprieto

    How to control PH during Hypo?

    I have seen "PH up" and "PH down" chemicals, is this what is used to control PH during hypo treatment? How sudden or large is the drop or increase in PH during hypo treatment? Sorry for all the questions and posts.....
  18. sprieto

    Ick and Anemone?

    No, I do not think my LFS would babysit. Could I put the anemone in the 30 gallon I have (with other fish in it)? Is there risk that the anemone could carry the infection to the other tank? How immidiate should treatment implemented? Should I start hypo ASAP or will a week or two not make a...
  19. sprieto

    Are fish in danger during Hypo treatment?

    thanks again all.....
  20. sprieto

    Are fish in danger during Hypo treatment?

    Okay, thanks for the responce. here's my problem: I do not have a refractometer (I have a generic plastic swing arm hydrometer). It will take me at least a week (or 2) before I can order and get one. I know the hydro meter is not as accurate. Do I wait until I get a refractometer, or should I...