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  1. cosguy20

    DIY Skimmer design

    what if you put a bubble wand in the bottle to increase bubbles??? and just forget about the whole air intake thingy?? or it would be in addition to the intake thingy,
  2. cosguy20


    This morning I woke up and found that one of my zoos was knocked over. I washed my hands then went down into the tank and pick it up and put it where it goes. Then I washed my hands again. About 2 hours later my arm started itching terribly. Now I have a rash, it looked almost like a chemical...
  3. cosguy20

    Lunare Wrasse For Sale Vermilion, Ohio

    guess no one wants it??
  4. cosguy20

    Lunare Wrasse For Sale Vermilion, Ohio

  5. cosguy20

    Lunare Wrasse For Sale Vermilion, Ohio

    If you or you fiance change your mind let me know!
  6. cosguy20

    Lunare Wrasse For Sale Vermilion, Ohio

    I got this guy about two weeks ago. He's really beautiful, but I don't think that I want him for my tank. He's about 4 1/2 to 5 inches long. I will deliver him to you in a 50 mile radius of Vermilion, Ohio. I have never shipped before so I dunno how to do that. But I will deliver. If know...
  7. cosguy20

    Lunare Wrasse

    I have been contemplating this since I read your post should i just take it back or what??? I can't decide. It's a beautiful fish, don't get me wrong. I would like to have a peaceful tank where one fish doesn't eat any other thing I put it there. he ate $20 dollars with of snails in one day...
  8. cosguy20

    Lunare Wrasse

    Well I have had this fish for about two weeks maybe. I have been feeding it brine shrimp. Someone told me that brine shrimp isn't very nutrition to the fish so I gat some my.. something shrimp.. (they are a little bigger shrimps) anyways I fed him those and then today I came home from work and...
  9. cosguy20


    I just got this really colorful slug. I read on another site the they will eat corals. Should I take it out. All I got in there are zoos. the slug is on the glass right now. it doesn't even look like he after the zoos. Any thoughts??
  10. cosguy20

    Can you check this out

    I was thinking about getting everything off the internet. Because if this was the same thing or if it would work it would save me about 140.00 dollars. So would that work or what do I need?
  11. cosguy20

    Can you check this out

    I want to have some zoos in my tank and maybe some shrooms The guy at the fish store wanted my to get a VHO light kit for 229.00 The ballast was 129.00 well I was looking on the net and came across this if I get every thing that's optional...
  12. cosguy20


    is the air thing okay or should i just take that off?
  13. cosguy20


    i have a pump that has a 296 gph, then 2 (60) gph. It that too much water current? plus a hang on filter. It's a 40 gallon tank. The 296 pump came with this thing that adds air into the water. Should I just take that off or should I leave the air going into the water?
  14. cosguy20

    feeding ?

    "Much better to purchase mysis or frozen plankton, which you could still add some of the vitamins to." What is plankton?? I thought that it was really really small bacteria? I've seen mysis. I'll get that'. What if I took all of them and thaw them and then mixed them up and then refrozen would...
  15. cosguy20

    for the ladies with frizzy crappy hair

    polarpooch :Anyone have the magic bullet for FLAT, thin hair??? Something that would make my hair look like....say....Jennifer Connelly's? polarpooch, I would say to give Redken's Headstrong shampoo and conditioner a try to help give you the fullness you desire. Another line would be Ampifly...
  16. cosguy20

    New VHO Setup!

    may i ask how much this setup cost you?
  17. cosguy20

    Explain where your user name originated

    When I was in cosmetology school I was the only guy in the whole class so when I walked down the halls everyone would say aren't you the cosguy? so that's how it started. 20 is how old I'm going to be on the 12 of april.
  18. cosguy20

    feeding ?

    the brine shrimp of get are 1in X in cubes so what i have been doing while they are still frozen, with a very sharp razor blade I cut them into 4's and then put it back into the freezer and only use one 1/4 inch cube when feeding. Is that still to much for one time a day?? Thanks
  19. cosguy20

    feeding ?

    I feed my fish at night when I get home (around 6-7pm) I think that i read somewhere to feed them like 2-3 times a day. It the true or false. I just think that it's tooo much for a true clown and a Lunare Wrasse. What's your thought about this? thanks -steve