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  1. striper

    need a litte advice

    were do you get macro algae
  2. striper


    good info guys I do a10% water change wky with ocean water I get when i go fishing.I just got some calcium+3 from red sea and try that.
  3. striper


    what's the best way to get coraline to grow I have had my liverock over a year now and it looks the same as the day i got it. same thing with my polyps, and coral no growth.
  4. striper

    tiny bubbles

    Thanks Man I'll give it a shot
  5. striper


    thanks i'll check it out
  6. striper


    I just got a cpr like it a lot but were did you get your aqualifer and how much do they cost rigt now I using my powerhead to keep a siphon
  7. striper

    tiny bubbles

    I don't know what to do. I have two baffles and I don't see any bubbles going into the intake of the pump.I added a second tee with a ball valve to the feed line and having it dump back into the fuge thinking maybe the pump is cavitating and the second valve would rid some of the air my feed...
  8. striper

    tiny bubbles

    :D Now that i got my fuge going how do i stop all the tiny bubbles comming from my return pump
  9. striper


    Yes the only water lost will be from the piping the sump will be full right to the top. as far as the fumes a few hours should do it.
  10. striper


    Thanks for the info. my divider has a .50 inch space on the bottom using the sand as sort of a filter and still allow water to flow through. now thinking about it you may be right i was tring to get as much water as i could through my wet/dry before getting pumped up. as for the 2Q if the...
  11. striper


    setting up my fuge is regular pvc pipe(the white stuff)safe or do i need to use cpvc piping that is used for drinking water(off white color)second Q I'm going to gravity feed down to my basement into a 20 gal tank thats divided in half with the feed line going in one half then pumped over to the...
  12. striper

    rubbermaid fugie?

    thanks razor can't wait to get it going
  13. striper

    rubbermaid fugie?

    Hey razor QX what size pump do you use from your fuge to your display I'm setting a 20 gal fuge in my basement and going up about 10'
  14. striper


    thanks for clearing that up for me. I have about 100lbs of live rock in my 54 conner tank now and only 4 small fish. my problem is red slime I have tried all the things told to me on this site with some success but it tends to come back. Do you think using ocean water for my water change might...
  15. striper


    with a fuge setup do I need a wet/dry filter I have notice some of you use a wet/dry filter and some don't what the reason?:confused: :help:
  16. striper

    wet dry & fuge complete!

    thanks for the info do you know if a 700 mag will pump up from my basement to my display on the 1st floor. I plan on doing something like yours having it gravity feed from my display to my wet /dry then pumped back from my soon to be built fuge. I never done any thing like this before does it...
  17. striper

    mh lighting

    Hi all does anybody know if a tungsten quartz halogen lamp would be ok to use it doesn't need a ballast it's 250 watts is it the same as mh same spectrom etc.:help:
  18. striper

    wet dry & fuge complete!

    Did you make the fug tank yourself or did you buy it .this is kind of what I want to do to my tank
  19. striper


    my smart light is 30" overall but the light is 18" 50/50 I can't find how many watts it is.I did read justins thread about red slime,so now I just got a new power head with and osculating discharge and bought a new 18"15watt atinic light that I was going to set it up so it will go on after my...
  20. striper


    Thanks Dan for the come back.Good stuff,my tank is a 54gal conner tank I have about 70lbs of liverock some coral a red tree sponge,some green ,blue mushrooms bubble coral some fish 2 clowns a blue damsel,had a hawian green shimp but it died. I use a pc smartlight and a 18" antic light it works...