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  1. tonya-sr

    BangGuy or kip another MH ?

  2. tonya-sr

    BangGuy or kip another MH ?

  3. tonya-sr

    BangGuy or kip another MH ?

  4. tonya-sr

    BangGuy or kip another MH ?

  5. tonya-sr

    BangGuy or kip another MH ?

  6. tonya-sr

    BangGuy or kip another MH ?

  7. tonya-sr

    BangGuy or kip another MH ?

    hi everyone, i have been on for about a month and a half, and i know i might ask some pretty dumb ?'s, i have had my 100gal reef set up and running for over three years now. with no crashes, and no big losses. but as i look through all of your threads, i realize i know nothing about...
  8. tonya-sr

    BangGuy or kip another MH ?

    i am very sorry if i have ofended anyone . i just see Kip and BangGuy trying to help other people, anyone can help me.and bigmac i would appreciate your input into this also, so if everyone will please forgive me, i will try not to step on anyones toes. thank you tonya-sr
  9. tonya-sr

    cleaner crew

    just a thought, but when my salinity droped in my tank, my snails started droping off the glass and dieing, and my hermit crabs were very sluggish, when i brought my salinity back up to .025, they quit dieing. befor the snails would die there external body was a yellowish/light brownish color...
  10. tonya-sr

    BangGuy or kip another MH ?

    i am thinking of going to MH, this may be a dumb question! but i am researching on how to hook up MH's to my 100gal tank.i have been running 4 VHO's 560 watts all together, two blue's two whites, my question is once i do this do i need to acclamate all my corals to this new lighting, most...
  11. tonya-sr

    what type of tank do you have

    I have a mix, of a little of everything, under 560 watts VHO's.
  12. tonya-sr

    Any way of keeping Live sand clean?

    thanks daisy, i'm new on here, only been on for a month & a half, i'm still learning all the abreviatoins, thanks for answering, i'm trying not to ask to many dumb questions. anyway thanks for the help tonya-sr
  13. tonya-sr

    Any way of keeping Live sand clean?

    hey Nas, what does DSB stand for? just wandering. i have a built in over flo in my tank. does it have something to do with filters? i haven't had any problems with my two gobies, is it because i have a over flo? thanks tonya-sr
  14. tonya-sr

    cleaner shrimp & peppermints

    hey beach, ya i have watched them at night with my infro red flash light, as i call it ha ha, they still hide even at night. i know there eating good also, because when i feed my fish, the peppermints will run out of there hiding holes and grab some frozen brine & micies shrimp, whitch i find...
  15. tonya-sr

    Any way of keeping Live sand clean?

    the only hole they have dug is the one they bed down in, but they do build a mound around the LR where they nest, i call it decorating. every now and then i will go in and level it. but i would rather do this than to have ugly sand, besides they are a beautiful colored fish, and comical to...
  16. tonya-sr

    cleaner shrimp & peppermints

    thanks NMreef i appreciate the info, i tried kalkwasser, it seemed all it did was feed them, so i ordered joe's juice last week it should be here today:jumping: :jumping: :jumping: can't wait. at this point i am willing to try any thing. thanks again tonya-sr
  17. tonya-sr

    Any way of keeping Live sand clean?

    hi Neowind, i had the same problem, but i got 2 Valenciennea strigata's, common name golden head goby, or blue-cheek goby,they are sand sifters, they clean your sand 4 you. but i have to warn you, if you have LR in your tank it will shift, also as they clean your sand they will dust your corals...
  18. tonya-sr

    cleaner shrimp & peppermints

    i have 3 cleaner shrimp in my 100gal tank, been there for three years. i put 6 peppermints in three months ago, because, i had purchased a coral with aptasia. but my cleaner shrimp will not let the peppermints come out and do there job, they are chasing the peppermints back into holes in my LR...
  19. tonya-sr

    anyone have info on the care of this

    thanks waterfaller, i didn't know about the heater pack. and i kind of guessed that i would use styrofoam to pack it in. and i will probly tripple bag it to be on the safe side. i will climb on board here and let you know when i'm sending it (ok). but i was wandering if you had herd anything...
  20. tonya-sr

    anyone have info on the care of this

    hey Waterfaller, i figured you would see this, i already have a piece ready to go, i fraged them two weeks ago after we had talked on here. but like i said earlyer there seems to be some type of little baby sprouts popping up everywhere on them. maybe i have some type of hybred leather that...