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  1. tonya-sr

    anybody 4 a 12 pack

    i'm board so here it goes.
  2. tonya-sr

    Yeah, I am so excited...

    all i can say is WOW.
  3. tonya-sr

    Yeah, I am so excited...

    hey kpk, check ryan miller's thread, i posted your answer to the question of my clam. thank you for asking. on your new halides, i can't wait to get mine.
  4. tonya-sr

    2 new corals today.

    kpk thanks for asking about my clam,he is doing well, i htink what may of happened was just got to big and heavy for the rock he had been attached to for so long, and thats why he decided to go for a roll he has now attached himself to a bigger rock and is growing again, boy is he growing. here...
  5. tonya-sr

    e-mail going crazy how do i make it stop

    well i tried user cp above, and it still doing it, but i am glad to know i'm not the only one with this problem. and thanks for replying, so is there anymore ideas on how we can stop this crazy stuff from happening ???
  6. tonya-sr

    2 new corals today.

    ryan you need to ask bang guy, waterfaller, nmreef, and so on.they are alot more knowledgable than me on what corals to start with, how long has your tank been setup and cycled, what are your water preamiters,these are just a couple of the questoins that there going to ask you, i would at least...
  7. tonya-sr

    e-mail going crazy how do i make it stop

    ok,i'm not the smartest nut in the tree when it comes to computers. so how do i make replys from threads stop coming through my e-mail, it says something about subscibed threads. but i have never subscribed through my e-mial. if i have started a new thread ,the e-mail says there are replys, but...
  8. tonya-sr

    2 new corals today.

    hi Ryan, that brain you have is a Trachyphyllia geoffroyi, other wise known as open brain, or rose coral, a large specimen with convoluted vally's. it comes from the red sea,indian ocean,western pacific, japan, australia, and the solomon islands. it's free living flabello-meandroid coral with...
  9. tonya-sr

    Attn: Kip

    i may be still somewhat new to swf, but in the two and a half months i have been on here, kip realy helped me. even if i asked what i thought was a dumb question. but he never made me feel like an idiot, like some people have on here. bb included. i don't want plants, plants, plants in my tank...
  10. tonya-sr

    need sponge ID please

    :D :jumping: thats to funny::eek: a giant sponge O no look out ! it's may attack ! run---run for your life. thanks waterfaller for the insight on Mr. bubbles giant sponge thread. it's way to funny, i can't stop and thanks for helping me try and find out some info on this. have a great day at...
  11. tonya-sr

    need sponge ID please

    thanks waterfaller, so what do you think it is, besides being a sponge,ha ha. do you think it needs to be in a little more darkness or not. like i said earlier in this thread, i never have had sponges before,i don't know what the needs are or requirerments,so any kind of info will help. thanks...
  12. tonya-sr

    need sponge ID please

  13. tonya-sr

    live rock/color survey

    i have fiji lr it is all drk purple.
  14. tonya-sr

    need sponge ID please

    please anyone!
  15. tonya-sr


    just a thought:notsure: if this will help, but are you using the same salt for your water change, that you used when your problem started? yuo could have gotten a bad batch of salt. my tank did what your tank is doing, i was doing water change after water change, with the same results. then...
  16. tonya-sr


    i can't tell because it is very small, but if it came in on a bubble coral, it could be a Periclimenes, common name (pederson's shrimp) it host's on several different types of bubbled tip corals and anemones. in extreme starvation it may feed on the tentacles of it host, but is reef safe. but...
  17. tonya-sr

    need sponge ID please

    i'm just bumping this up, i'm still needing to know if anyone has seen one of these and what kind of sponge it is, and the care for it. if anyone has even a guess, that might help also. thanks tonya-sr
  18. tonya-sr

    need sponge ID please

    i'm just going by what my lfs guy had told me, that they had found it in brackish water, so i'm :notsure: if this is true, so i didn't want to take any chances, because it is so beautiful, i didn't want to kill it. and thanks again for replying:) :joy: :happy: tonya-sr
  19. tonya-sr

    need sponge ID please

    thanks for the replys guys, Bang, i am keeping it in semi darkness for right now, oh ya, Bang i e-mailed you. i hope you got it. i did it about an hour ago. let me know if you got it, ok. i driped this sponge for about 30 hours because it was found in brackish water, and i was putting it in my...
  20. tonya-sr

    need sponge ID please

    just wandering if this thread is working?