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  1. anthonym28

    Whos got frags in New Jersey

    Email me at, not too far from you. Tried to email you, but I got a response back that the message could not be delivered because you don't accept yahoo mail :notsure:
  2. anthonym28

    QT Question for Gobies

    I QT everything, but I read for Mandarin's you don't. Just wanted to make sure they were not in the same class.
  3. anthonym28

    QT Question for Gobies

  4. anthonym28

    QT Question for Gobies

    I am thinking of getting a Green Clown Goby and Orange Daimond Goby. Do they need to be QT'd? I am thinking of the Orange Daimond Goby to help clean the sand, would this be a good choice?
  5. anthonym28

    i know mandarins cant get ich....

    What about a Green Clown Goby?
  6. anthonym28

    brand new mag 9.5 4sale

    If that includes shipping I will take it. You can email me at
  7. anthonym28

    Help Needed

    Well the display tank is much bigger then my QT and I know it is good to add the Purple last since they can be territorial. Anyway I am just going to closely monitor the Purple in the ten gallon and do frequent water changes, rather then expose him to ich. Yes the RBTA is the only new addition...
  8. anthonym28

    Help Needed

    If I can't find anyone with a seeded sponge filter do you think it would be a bad idea to just add the hippo and clowns with the purple tang in the 20 gallon long? Since that tank has already cycled and has the seeded sponge filter. I am just concerned since the purple tang is perfectly heathly...
  9. anthonym28

    Help Needed

    Thanks for the quick respone! Also I was wondering if a RBTA could carry Ich. My water parameters are fine, I do weekly water changes. I feed my hippo a variety of food always soaked in garlic and vita-chem. I recently added a RBTA and two days later I noticed the spots on the hippo. I QT all my...
  10. anthonym28

    Help Needed

    I can try to ask around. I already picked up a bottle of cycle and I have aerated mixed water already.
  11. anthonym28

    Help Needed

    I have a situation and need advice. I have a Purple Tang currently in QT. In my display I have a Hippo that now has Ich, along with two clowns. The QT that the Purple Tang is in is a 20 gal long with a sponge filter that was seeded in my sump for 3 weeks. I have an extra 10 gal that I want to...
  12. anthonym28

    Salt mix survey

    I am using TM Pro also, but I think I am going to switch to just TM. I don't like the ALK and MAG levels. At 1.026 the ALK is 6.7 dkh and the MAG is under 1200 PPM, can't remember the exact number. All my testing is done with Salifert. I am using Randy Holmes Farely's two part solution to...
  13. anthonym28

    FS: Tsunami AT1 Auto Top Off System
  14. anthonym28

    FS: Tsunami AT1 Auto Top Off System

    I will take it for $50.
  15. anthonym28

    Glass Top or Not? evaporation concerns

    Read this article
  16. anthonym28

    Frog Spawn Question

    Ok thank you!
  17. anthonym28

    Frog Spawn Question

    Is it better to glue Frog Spawn or just place it on a rock?
  18. anthonym28

    tunze nano-stream 6045

    I just pre-ordered two of the 6055's. I ordered them from an online dealer, and I spoke to the owner and he told me that they can be run without a controller. And from what he told me two 6045 would be fine for my 92 gallon, but I decided to upgrade to the controllable ones.
  19. anthonym28

    tunze nano-stream 6045

    I would like to know the answer to this as well. I am thinking about purchasing two of these for my 92 gallon.
  20. anthonym28

    Metal Halide Socket Cracked

    I came home from work today and my Coralife Aqualight was making a crackling noise. The metal halide bulb was barely lit, so I decided to take it apart. Well it is a double ended bulb and one end of the bulb is completely burnt and partially broken. The socket is cracked and burnt also. What...