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  1. sprieto

    Live White Shrimp vs. Live Ghost Shrimp

    Thanks for the adivise............
  2. sprieto

    Refractometer vs. Digi-Lab

    If any one reads this, any opinions yet.........
  3. sprieto

    Anemone requirements?

    YOU THE MAN!!!! Thanks for the advise, it's hard to resist wanting one.
  4. sprieto

    What's a good clean up crew?

    Great ideas, exactly what I was looking for, thanks again......
  5. sprieto

    What's a good clean up crew?

    Yeah, I want a trigger eventually too. So far I meant a P. puffer and a lion (both very small right now). The tank will be for them in 2 -3 months. I was think the cleanup crew would be helpful bofore there relocation.
  6. sprieto

    What's a good clean up crew?

    Is that enough? I found this sites packages, some are money savers, others are not. I just didn't want to spend more than half of what they are asking for. Your list is a little more compact. Thank you for the responce.
  7. sprieto

    Live White Shrimp vs. Live Ghost Shrimp

    Is there any common type of live feeder food for salt water predators?
  8. sprieto

    Live White Shrimp vs. Live Ghost Shrimp

    Is freshwater shrimp really bad? Like, really bad for humans to eat fast food everyday, or really bad like eating poison?
  9. sprieto

    What's a good clean up crew?

    I thought I saw packages here, but I can't see to find them now.
  10. sprieto

    What's a good clean up crew?

    For a 60 gallon (eventually to house predators). Canister Filter 350gph, PH 270ghp, with a protein skimmer.
  11. sprieto

    Anemone requirements?

    Again, great advice, thank you.
  12. sprieto

    Anemone requirements?

    Thank you, that was great! What paticular types of meaty foods (frozen, freeze dried, or live)? Do they need small rocks or gravel to sit on or is sand better? Sorry, rookie questions I know, just getting as much info as possable. Thanks.
  13. sprieto

    Anemone requirements?

    What's BTA? Anything else that might be helpful, like how and what do the feed on?
  14. sprieto

    Anemone requirements?

    Thanks for all the info, it helps the knowledge bank grow!
  15. sprieto

    Refractometer vs. Digi-Lab

    Has any one heard of a Digi-Lab? It's like a refractometer (used to measure salt levels), but it also checkes temperature and looks like a thermometer. It looks cool, and it also looks like it just came out. I found it on a few web sites for around $150, vs, the refractometer of $60 to $80. I...
  16. sprieto

    Live White Shrimp vs. Live Ghost Shrimp

    Has any one heard of live white shrimp? According to another web site, they both are good supplementary diet for fish like lions and puffers. (White and Ghost shrimp) The difference is white shrimp are marine (salt water) and ghost shrimp are freshwater. I have found ghost shrimp at the LFS but...
  17. sprieto

    UF w/ reverse flow power heads any good?

    Thanks again for the help. The smaller PH for my 30g did have a slighted cap built in. I will find out about the bigger ones when I get them tommorow. The LFS advise was good, and I don't know about the UF question. Thanks again........
  18. sprieto

    Anemone requirements?

    I have heard most anemone are not for begginers. With that said (and many of us newbies still interested): What are the basic requirments for keeping a anemone? I know most will quickly say live sand and live rock a most, but are they nessesary. My LFS guy said I could use regular fine CC (sand...
  19. sprieto

    First Porcupine Puffer: Living On The Edge!!!

    I am suprised he didn't take to the live food. Try and remove the damsels. What is your water testing at, and have you tried a partial water change? Are your lights on the tank? I heard if fish are stressed the light might bother them. Keep posting I am interested in what happens.
  20. sprieto

    Undergravel Filter, Good or Bad, Yes or No

    Canister filter is 350gph. Thanks again for the advise, hopefully this will be enough water flow.