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  1. sprieto

    First Porcupine Puffer: Living On The Edge!!!

    I am a newby myself. I too recently accuired a PP (I call him Homer). The first two days he was fine but refused to eat, the third day I gave him live ghost shrimp and he enjoyed them to no end. In fact, he over ate, got blotted, and layed lathargicly on the bottem for about two days. Later he...
  2. sprieto

    I broke my Floating Glass Hydrometer

    Good to know, thank you.
  3. sprieto

    Powerhead use and placement?

    Thank you for your time and advise........ It was helpful...
  4. sprieto

    I broke my Floating Glass Hydrometer

    So what's a good brand of refractometer? What is all this I hear about some units needing calabration?
  5. sprieto

    I broke my Floating Glass Hydrometer

    I have seen them as low as $50 on other sites. Would this affect the quality? What are good brands of refractometers? The floating meters suck, but I still have a primitive "dip and check" hydrometer. Refractometer is next on the list!!!!!!
  6. sprieto

    Powerhead use and placement?

    The one for my 60 gallon is a Aqua Clear model 402 rated at 270 gph (125 reverse flow). A skimmer yes, and I am new to the world of canister filters (Rena XP3 350gph). I purchased a canister filter (suggested by the LFS) to replace the power filter w/ bio wheel and UGF. But I purchused the power...
  7. sprieto

    UF w/ reverse flow power heads any good?

    The are a cheap brand "Aqua Clear". The one for my 60 gallon is a model 402 rated at 270 gph (125 reverse flow). The intake opening is pretty big (judging by the smaller model 301 (174 gph) that I have in my 30 gallon. Critters might get sucked up! What to do?????
  8. sprieto

    UF w/ reverse flow power heads any good?

    OH!!!! Sorry, sorry, sorry. So I put a slitted cap on the bottem opening of the power head where the water flows up through so that large particles don't get sucked through? Is that right? At first I thought they ment to cover the opening to the UGF if it was in the tank and the power heads...
  9. sprieto

    UF w/ reverse flow power heads any good?

    There never was a UGF put in the tank (no substrate yet). The tank is just being set up, I purchased the PH and am now deciding on no UGF. Kaotik said " You can buy either those sponge or slitted caps to put over the intakes on the PHs so nothing gets sucked up!"? That is what confused me a little.
  10. sprieto

    Powerhead use and placement?

    Need advise on where and how to best us 2 power heads for a 60 gallon? I would have used them for a UGF but (through much advise) decided not to use a UGF. I still have the power heads and want to make good use of them, any advise?
  11. sprieto

    UF w/ reverse flow power heads any good?

    Any advise on where (or how) to position the power heads? Also, about capping off the opening, is that nessesary? Any more advise or details on how yours are set up would be great! Thank you.......
  12. sprieto

    UF w/ reverse flow power heads any good?

    Is it any good to even try a reverse flow power head with a UG, or is it just a waste? Is there any othere good use for a power head? I already purchused two power heads for my 60 gallon, but am now changing my mind about using a UG. What could I use the power heads for now, or should I return...
  13. sprieto

    Undergravel Filter, Good or Bad, Yes or No

    What would consist of a "good water flow", or how can I improve it? If seen in other tanks (at the LFS) power heads pumping through a tube that looked like a UF, what might they have been using there power heads for? So will the canister filter be enough to cycle and maintain the tank (w/ a...
  14. sprieto

    Undergravel Filter, Good or Bad, Yes or No

    I am setting up a 60 gallon with a canister filter. I was recommended this would eliminate the power filter w/ bio wheel. I was also told I would not need the UG. Is this true? Could or should I still use one? Would a UG help in the cycling process better than just the canister filter? The tank...
  15. sprieto

    Opinions on Rena XP3 Canister Filter

    Any negative or positive opinions on the Rena XP3 Canister Filter? It will be used to run a 60 gallon tank (along with a Protein Skimmer). Fish only for now, but maybe a inverte or two later down the road. Thank you.
  16. sprieto

    Are there "bad" fish?

    Thanks for the info.....
  17. sprieto

    XP3 Canister Filter by Rena

    Thank you, great advise.
  18. sprieto

    XP3 Canister Filter by Rena

    If I wanted to go reef what would be required then?
  19. sprieto

    XP3 Canister Filter by Rena

    Thank you, that is helpful.
  20. sprieto

    Are there "bad" fish?

    I have read recently some not so favorable things about Basslets and Tangs. I have heard they contract sickness easily and expose other fish to these sickness (like ick). Is this true? Are there fish that are more prone to sickness than others? Are there fish that should be kept out or at a...