Search results

  1. mjordan23

    Blue Lined Trigger or Niger

    My 125 FOWLR tank is ready for me to add some fish......Right now I have 45 lbs of LR and some base rock, 1 yellowtailed damsel, and 2 big pecular clowns, which I have had for 2 weeks.....I went tonight to get a small niger trigger about 2 inches and they had a 6 inch blue lined trigger and I...
  2. mjordan23

    Fish List Suggestions....

    no not a dartfish.....I meant a firefish goby....if not the long nosed hawkfish now b/c I may never get one.....I never really see one around and I am skeptical on them.....what would be the next one. Doesnt an Emperor need premier water conditions to survive......I have been told not to do a...
  3. mjordan23

    Fish List Suggestions....

    I am running a 125 gallon FOWLR for 9 weeks now..... Stock List: 45 lbs live rock and some base rock 10 turbo snails (1 week old) 2 percular clowns (1 1/2 weeks old) 1 damsel (9 weeks) Crushed coral ( I know everyone says sand, but I have always had great luck with CC) Wish list: Emperor Angel...
  4. mjordan23

    New Fishtank

  5. mjordan23

    New Fishtank

    I currently have a 125 gallon FOWLR. I just got a free tank off of my aunt. It is 36 wide, 12 inch deep, 24 height- what size is this? 40 gallon? I got a stand, canopy, and lights with it. It was made in 1991 by Perfecto I believe. I am going to try it out and make sure it doesnt leak...
  6. mjordan23

    Trubo Snails?

    hmmm they seem very small at the store maybe I shouldnt get that many.....I believe his crabs, I think redleg were 3.50 each? Will the turbos really get that big? How Big? and do they just grow with their shells or do I need spare shells?
  7. mjordan23

    Trubo Snails?

    nice a fan of Michael Jordan??? The cycle seems to be complete and the fish that I added seem well.
  8. mjordan23

    Trubo Snails?

    My tank has been up for 8 weeks......I have a damsel, 45 lbs of lr, and 2 clowns which have been in the tank for 5 days now and ok......I was going to get 10 turbo snails for $20.00. Is that a good deal and should I get them at this stage? I have tons of algea in my tank at the moment.
  9. mjordan23

    1 Clown wont eat

    I just recently got 2 big pecular clowns....My tank has been up for 7 weeks, 45 lbs of lr and 1 damsel. 125 gallon fwlro. Anyways, I have been feeding them formula 1 and 2 flakes, formula 1 crushed up pellets. The one clown seems excited about eating but he usually spits the first couple out...
  10. mjordan23

    Ammonia? Ready for clowns?

    wet dry sump overflow ect......I will get more rock eventually
  11. mjordan23

    Ammonia? Ready for clowns?

    i am about to go to a fish store and get 2 clowns....should I what I said above.....In my 7th week of my cycle....ammonia peaked and is now down to between 0 and .25 on a liquid test kit....I have had 45 lbs of live rock and a damsel in a 125 gallon
  12. mjordan23

    Ammonia? Ready for clowns?

    really I was thinking about getting 2 clowns and keeping the damsel and leave my tank like that for a week or so before I buy anything else.....What does IMO mean
  13. mjordan23

    Ammonia? Ready for clowns?

    My ammonia had peaked in my 125 gallon fwlro tank at around .50 to 1.0 a few weeks back. Now it is between 0 and .25.....Sometimes it looks completely like zero, sometimes .25....For 7 weeks I have had 45 lbs of liverock and 1 damsel fish. Do you think I can add 2 pecular clowns in the...
  14. mjordan23

    Is Cycling Complete and Next Step?

    I wanted to double check my ammonia levels and now Im not sure if its 0 or really depends on the lighting in the room. Like I said its been 7 weeks with 45 lbs of live rock uncured and a damsel with feeding. I swear this morning the ammonia was at zero. Nitrites are at 0 and have...
  15. mjordan23

    Is Cycling Complete and Next Step?

    My wish list is always changing...I would love a nice Hippo Tang, but I never have luck with them....I really love this blue throat trigger that I have been for months....My real question is whether people think Im cycled yet or not?
  16. mjordan23

    Is Cycling Complete and Next Step?

    yeah I will get a cleanup crew eventually.....prolly christmas get some money for some stuff like that..........anyone else?
  17. mjordan23

    Is Cycling Complete and Next Step?

    do you think my tank is ready for fish though? specifically him?
  18. mjordan23

    Is Cycling Complete and Next Step?

    the nitrites are at 0.....the scale for zero is blue, .25 is purple....i never read anything besides nitrites are zero and always have been.
  19. mjordan23

    Is Cycling Complete and Next Step?

    My tank has been in cycle mode for 7 weeks now. Its a 125 gallon FWLRO. I have 45 lbs of live rock uncured and a damsel in there for that time. My ammonia has peaked about a week or two ago to between .50 and 1. Now for the past week it is back down to 0. :cheer: I never noticed the...