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  1. pimpin chirp

    Auto-top off system

    yeah I saw this ultrafloat switch which i think i would like to try
  2. pimpin chirp

    Auto-top off system

    So the next element that i would like to add to my reef aquarium is an auto-top off system. I don't have room above the sump to place a container of top off water but i can place it next to my sump. I have been doing reading about float switches and using them with pumps but I'm not sure if I...
  3. pimpin chirp

    Reefers in Jacksonville,FL

    whats up just seen ya post i'm in jacksonville it's a whole group of us we have a club to hit me up
  4. pimpin chirp

    Hermit Crab with Anemone reef safe?

    So i made the mistake of going to LFS and buying a hermit crab with 2 anemones attached without doing all the proper research on him i couldn't resist i remember seeing him once a long time ago in a marine book before starting my aquarium and i told myself if i ever had the chance i would get...
  5. pimpin chirp

    125 or +

    Well i have one that is currently up and running in jacksonville,fl the dimensions ar 72 inches wide 21 inches tall and 19 inches wide...i have a 150gal proclear wet dry running it i have a ton of live rock in it 2 clowns, a engineer goby, a lawnmower blenny a few pieces of coral some SPS and...
  6. pimpin chirp

    Should I run 2 protein skimmers??

    Originally Posted by Waterlogged I have 2 skimmers on my 125g. What skimmers do you have and what tank size are they rated for. i have an aquarium systems HOB type I have no idea what its rated for though and i have one thats built into my proclear wet/dry filter and the filter is rated for 150...
  7. pimpin chirp

    Should I run 2 protein skimmers??

    so should i use both protein skimmers or is there such a thing as too much skimming
  8. pimpin chirp

    Calcium, Phosphate, KH levels too high? Help!

    Originally Posted by renogaw phosphates are coming from his cubed brine shrimp so i made my own fish food so maybe those phospates will drop down some.
  9. pimpin chirp

    Anybody in Jacksonville, FL?

    naw i don't really know much about those bio-cubes they look pretty cool in the store when they all fully stacked up with corals and inverts though
  10. pimpin chirp

    Adding Live Rock after the tank has cycled

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Never just add rock into your tank, regardless of where you get it from. Add it into a bin with a powerhead for three weeks. Check for ammonia spikes. Sometimes rock that is fully cured will have die off just from a deadspot (a spot that the flow does not reach)...
  11. pimpin chirp

    First homemade food

    Originally Posted by sepulatian That is so great that you went ahead and made your own!!! That will last awhile and is so much more nutritional for your fish than what you were feeding. As stated, freeze it flat. You can break off what you need. Yeah i'm really glad that i made it to i can't...
  12. pimpin chirp

    Anybody in Jacksonville, FL?

    never heard of that place in orange park but i never go all the way out there either
  13. pimpin chirp

    First homemade food

    Originally Posted by LexLuethar How much did that end up running you? Was it cheaper to do that for quantity wise rather then getting cubed frozen foods? I'm extremely interested in doing the same thing! The ingredients cost me $17.83 and I have 3 ziploc sandwich bags with ground up seafood...
  14. pimpin chirp

    Adding Live Rock after the tank has cycled

    So I recently purchased about 3-lbs of live rock from a guy who had it in his tank running for over two years I placed it into buckets with his water and brought them to my house and immediately placed them into my DT what can i expect to happen will any of my levels spike what is the...
  15. pimpin chirp

    First homemade food

    So I went to the store and got me some fresh ingredients of shrimp, oysters, muscles, scallops, clams and 1 clove of fresh garlic mixed them all up in the processor and here's the result. I think i might have processed it to much its so mushy. I aLSO got a baster to feed the corals better
  16. pimpin chirp

    Anybody in Jacksonville, FL?

    yeah they are pretty nice although i bought a yellow tang from them and 6 days later it was belly up i was so hurt. :( but i figure it was something on my end. They have a beutiful setup out there
  17. pimpin chirp

    Anybody in Jacksonville, FL?

    Originally Posted by NYyankeees I live in Georgia about 30 mins N of Jax. I'm not in any clubs or anything and I usually shop at Ocean Reef on Atlantic Blvd. It's kinda small but they have a pretty good selection of livestock/coral and it's not a "*****" type store. Where is Bio-Reef located...
  18. pimpin chirp

    Should I run 2 protein skimmers??

    Originally Posted by sepulatian What dechlorinater have you been using? If it is something like stress coat, that will cause your skimmer to foam like crazy. Google RO/DI unit. Yep thats exactly what I have been using how did you know you guys are good
  19. pimpin chirp

    Should I run 2 protein skimmers??

    Originally Posted by Waterlogged You can get RO/DI for $100.00 but it is against this forums rules for me to tell you where. All I can say is online. Ok my bad. So what brand RO/DI do you use or would you suggest?
  20. pimpin chirp

    Should I run 2 protein skimmers??

    Originally Posted by Waterlogged By the way, ro water will make algae problems smaller and you can get a ro unit for $100.00. please tell me where i can get an RO unit for 100.00? and don't I need RO/DI water or just ro water?