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  1. leenie

    Just got my first fish!

    Originally posted by CindySki leenie i just read a thread about the percs spitting their food out. apparently thats what they do eat, spit, eat, spit, mine do the same too.; guess they are just "clowning" around sorry that was a bad joke:D you couldn't help yourself could ya? lol, I...
  2. leenie

    Water temp?

    Hi guys, Just wondering what you all keep your water temp at. I keep mine at 75 degrees- do so because I read the book by Michael Paletta- and it said to keep it at that temp, but I am wondering what everyone else keeps it at. And if turning the temp up a couple of degrees would make any...
  3. leenie

    Just got my first fish!

    My percs have started to venture out little by little. Every once in awhile I will see them swim around, but they stay in the left corner most of the time too. weird... Have you guys had any problems feeding? I've tried flake food, and they just swim around and look at that. I tried frozen...
  4. leenie

    Where Is He?

    That sucks! Sorry to hear that! Well, I finally saw the other one- after a few days. But he never comes out during feeding time. Hopefully he is getting food somehow! At least I know he is alive! Thanks for the replies- now that I know it is normal for them to hide for long periods of...
  5. leenie

    Where Is He?

    Or she? I recently got 2 firefish, and I have not seen one of them since I got them yesterday. It hid in the rock, and there has been no sign of him. I fed them just now and still no sign of the other one... only one has come out to swim and eat... Should I be worried?:nervous: ps. I have a...
  6. leenie

    Just got my first fish!

    WOW! Have you had any babies? That's too cool!
  7. leenie

    Just got my first fish!

    Thanks everyone. They seem to be a little more comfortable now- they are slowly venturing out little by little. Glad to know this is normal! :happyfish
  8. leenie

    Exactly how HARD is it?

    I hope you decide on saltwater! It is so much more rewarding. Beware, though this hobby takes a whole lotta patience and a WHOLE LOT more money! But I personally think it's worth it!!
  9. leenie

    Got my plants in from

    Awesome! It looks great! Razor- what kind of lighting do you have? I was interested in getting some shaving brush later down the line too. I really like how it looks- looks like long healthy grass!
  10. leenie

    Just got my first fish!

    I finally just got my first fish! 2 little perculas! They're so cute! I will try to post pictures later- when the light turns on. Just had 1 question- how long does it take for them to get comfortable? Last night they just stayed in one corner the whole time. Now this morning- there is one...
  11. leenie

    lighting questions- totally confused!

    :notsure: My head is spinning from everything there is to know about setting up my aquarium! I am just starting out so I don't have any fish. I have a 50 gal Seaclear System II aquarium, with flourescent lights (a white and an actinic), 50 lbs of LR, 20 lbs of LS on top of 20 lbs of...