Search results

  1. leenie

    Longnose Butterfly

    Hmmm... not sure, it's the same one that is listed for sale on this website though... Okay, well that is good news about the crustaceans, and I don't plan on getting any corals or for a long long time so, that's good to hear! I plan on getting a very large (125 or 200 if I can) tank one day...
  2. leenie

    Longnose Butterfly

    Will a longnose butterfly get along with the following? 1 cleaner shrimp 1 fire shrimp 2 percs 2 firefish I just want to make sure it won't try and eat my shrimp...
  3. leenie

    I paid $40 for a tank of gas!

    True, true- very happy we are not paying that much! :yes:
  4. leenie

    R Fish Sensitive 2 Noise?

    :thinking: Really? That does sound about right Bob. I was only 12 ft under water doing an underwater safari once and I don't recall hearing much of anything... Hmm... I keep trying to convince my husband that we need a 125 in our bonus room but he's afraid that the bass from the Home Theater...
  5. leenie

    I paid $40 for a tank of gas!

    Originally posted by Purity those are some good points leen so i see where yer comin from on the whole uprooting thing. yes you would have pay back cashing out so you wouldn't really see the actual FREE benefit until the home is sold. nonetheless the home will be sold eventually or the equity...
  6. leenie

    I paid $40 for a tank of gas!

    lol, when you cash out your equity, don't you still have to pay it back? Don't get me wrong, I love equity, I've sold 2 houses in the last few years! I'm probably one of your clients! ha ha. Homeownership is definately the key to living in California. But lots of people are starting to get...
  7. leenie

    my brittle star

    Hi sneed, I've been told several different things regarding the number of inverts in a tank. One LFS told me 1 snail and 1 hermit crab for every gallon! And another told me 1 snail for every gallon and 1 crab for every 5 gallons! Of course, LFS are not always reliable. But I've had some...
  8. leenie

    I paid $40 for a tank of gas!

    Joerdie, you have no idea. No, I don't drive an SUV. Funny that people like to assume. Actually my cost was 38.00 but I didn't count on anybody dividing up cents. Some people need to have large cars or mini-vans, or SUV's or whatever because they have large families, some people may have...
  9. leenie

    I paid $40 for a tank of gas!

    Originally posted by Daniel411 Highest prices in the nation.... but also a huge percentage of the entire worlds wealth! I paid about $1.77 a gallon today for premium. We can always stop driving, and ride our pedel bikes to work :) EDIT: Than again... pedeling is to much like work "Forget...
  10. leenie

    Box Fish/ Cow fish

    this is an awesome picture fishtanker! I can't believe how big he is! the ones I saw were no bigger than a dime! Hmmm... maybe I've changed my mind again...
  11. leenie

    I paid $40 for a tank of gas!

    This is terrible! Gas was 2.33 a gallon today at COSTCO! :mad: Can you believe this madness? I live in So. Cal where we have the highest prices in the nation! I am sooo mad! SOOOOO MAD! But what can you do. I have boycotted Mobil and Exxon but who knows if that will work. It hasn't so...
  12. leenie

    Box Fish/ Cow fish

    Thanks for the stories, guys! No boxfish for us. Glad I asked!
  13. leenie

    Box Fish/ Cow fish

    Any one have experience with these? We went to the LFS yesterday and saw a bunch of tiny ones! My husband wants one so bad. But I am not sure if they are hard to take care of. We some some smaller than a dime! They are so hilarious to watch scooting around. I have 2 percs, and to firefish...
  14. leenie

    About to do my first water change

    Okay. Thanks all of you! I have pretty fine live sand, so I probably shouldn't vacuum it. But I will do all else noted. Thanks!
  15. leenie

    About to do my first water change

    Thank you again for the quick reply- sorry but one more quick question, if I wanted to add more live sand in a few months, could I just add it directly without having to cycle it?
  16. leenie

    About to do my first water change

    Thank you BeachBumTX for all the info! Good idea using the bathtub. I never thought of that! Okay, I am so glad I asked this question. I would have poured the water straight into the tank, and it would've probably been cloudy for awhile. One more question about vacuuming-- won't I end up...
  17. leenie

    About to do my first water change

    Hi everyone! I am going to do my first water change today and just had a few questions about the whole thing. I have a 50 gal, and plan to change out 7 gals every 2 weeks or so. I am going to buy some "Catalina water" from the LFS (water collected from the Island of Catalina in CA). I have...
  18. leenie

    I think it's dying?

    I think I got a dying snail here. He has been in the same position all day. He's pushed up against the glass on the bottom on the sand, but only part of him is suctioned. And if I look real close, I can see tiny almost microscopic white tadpole like things swimming around him... every now and...
  19. leenie

    New tank, clean up crew?

    Turbo snails kick butt when it comes to algae! Those suckers are fast! I also really like my cleaner shrimp. He is a lot of fun! I have a blood red fire shrimp that is beautiful to look at and fascinating to watch him eat. BUT, you shouldn't add ANY livestock, until you've completely...
  20. leenie

    Water temp?

    hmm.. the reason I was wondering was because my clowns love to stay on one side of the tank, and I was wondering if it was because my heater was there... maybe they get too cold on the other side of the tank? I think I will try to gradually turn it up. 76 today, and after two days one more...