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  1. leenie

    Perc's mouth falling off!

    Thanks Beth and Terry, Unfortunately it was already too late like Terry suspected. We had the fish for 2 months. He died yesterday. I don't know how he got this tumor or bump. No aggression from other fish that I have seen. I had 2 other fish die in the tank rather suddenly for no apparent...
  2. leenie

    Perc's mouth falling off!

  3. leenie

    Perc's mouth falling off!

    This is really weird. It started about a week ago when I saw a red bump on my Perc's chin (directly under is mouth). I thought maybe he bumped into a rock or something because it went away after 2 days. Then it came back, and went away again. I noticed that his mouth always seemed to be open...
  4. leenie

    23 days in hypo, have 3 ich spots

    I AM using Hypo. All I'm saying is I used the solution too and the visible ick was gone in 1 day. So I'm sure the hypo was the main ick deterrent, but I think the solution helped too. It's been 3 days now and still not 1 trace of it. Just my experience. Like I said, I'm no expert, but you...
  5. leenie

    sick perc?

    No, I don't see any white cottonie stuff. Just looks like a sore bottom lip. I'll try to take some pictures... Thanks bob.
  6. leenie

    23 days in hypo, have 3 ich spots

    I don't have much experience, but I'm QTing some fish myself. They are also at 1.009 and have been for a few weeks. Anyway, I was at the LFS and saw some ick treatment. When I asked the owner if I could use this in addition to hypo, he said I could, and it would rid the ick faster. He said...
  7. leenie

    sick perc?

    Hi guys, I have a perc that has what looks like a sore near his mouth. It almost looks like a red blemish. He's had it for about a week, and I thought maybe he just bumped into a rock or something. It looked like it was going away, but looking at it today, it seems to be back again. Also...
  8. leenie

    tiny white swimmers

    Thanks Bang Guy! I won't eat em! Darn- we are having sushi tonight too. Would've been a great appetizer! Okay- I will leave them be for now- but I'll heed your advice. One more question... I had a firefish die about 1 week ago (for no apparent reason). Could the Jellyfish have killed him...
  9. leenie

    tiny white swimmers

    Are they dangerous? What should I do about them? I thought they looked like jellyfish, but didn't know it could be possible for them to survive in captivity.
  10. leenie

    Fireshrimp Aggressive?

    hmmm... now that you mention it, one of the percs would start to chase it, but then it would stop after a second or two. But I didn't think a perc could catch a firefish. They are so darn fast. Thanks guys, good to know about the Shrimp. It's just so weird because the firefish were looking...
  11. leenie

    Fireshrimp Aggressive?

    I have a blood red fireshrimp, and was wondering how aggressive these guys are. I am asking because we recently found one of our firefish dead, and our cleaner shrimp was picking at it. We don't think our cleaner shrimp killed it because he's not fast enough to catch it... So our main suspect...
  12. leenie

    tiny white swimmers

    Can anyone tell me what these things are? They are too tiny to take a picture of... They're small white round things that look very delicate- they swim like jelly fish- contracting through the water. They're almost microscopic, and I've begun noticing more and more. Some of them hang out by...
  13. leenie

    Getting First Fish Tonight Or Tomorrow!!!

    Shrimp, I would not get them at *****. My brother bought me a Butterfly fish from there that looked perfectly healthy at the store. Well, guess what, it has ick now!! But if it's the only place around, go for it, just make sure you are prepared, just in case!
  14. leenie

    Longnose Butterfly

    Cool, shrimp! I love those percs. I would get a QT tonight too, just in case! Even if you can't afford it, you can use a storage container to make one. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have mine. My fish would probably have all been infected and died one after the other...
  15. leenie

    It's a Sad Day For the Blue Hippo Tang

    Lower it over a period of time- I'd say over the period of a day or two until it reaches 1.009. Then let it stay there for 3 weeks, if all ick or disease goes away then raise the salinity gradually to the same as your display tank. Watch the fish for another week, and if all is well, acclimate...
  16. leenie

    Raccoon not eating...suggestions?

    maybe try garlic? I heard that if you do a garlic soak, that stimulates the appetite...
  17. leenie

    Longnose Butterfly

    Unfortunately my longnose butterfly now has ICK! I am doing hypo, and I am so glad I put him in the QT first!
  18. leenie

    It's a Sad Day For the Blue Hippo Tang

    Sorry to hear that Pete! I hear that every beginner loses a few. Call this a learning experience eh? Well, at least you have a QT now for all your future fishes and in case any of your other ones get sick! My brother bought me a longnose butterfly yesterday and he did not want to put it in QT...
  19. leenie

    Longnose Butterfly

    Thanks Barry! That's great! Thanks for your help!
  20. leenie

    Wanting to spice up the 55

    How about some shrimp? I have a cleaner shrimp (we named him Maestro because he looks like he's conducting a symphony with his whiskers) and he is my favorite inhabitant in my tank. He swims all over the thank and cleans my hand whenever I stick it in there. I also have a blood red fire...