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  1. t_larz

    Is this a stupid question?

    I use the Fastest and they seem to work fine for me. If you doubt your own tests then just have the pet store that you trust test your own water for you with a sample you bring in. That's my two cents! ~Lars
  2. t_larz


    Where should you place feather dusters? in the substrate? how can you put them in the rock work?
  3. t_larz

    Feather Dusters Questions

    Is there anything you can do for feather dusters that have just been placed in a new tank, I just got two and they both look a little limp, I don't really know if there is anything I can do to help them get better Lars
  4. t_larz

    Cleaner Shrimp?

    I only know of one type of cleaner shrimp b/c the blood shrimp and the skunk as far as I know only are just plain shrimp who don't really clean off fish from parasites like a cleaner, They may do a little but a true cleaner is very good at it's job and sets up it's own little station somewhere...
  5. t_larz

    Plant Growth

    No no medication and I have no idea what kind of plants they were b/c I said, "they were growing right out of my LR". I have just plain fouresant w/a 50/50 7000k and a blue actinic 6100k. Lars
  6. t_larz

    Plant Growth

    I had some plants growing right off of my live rock about a month ago but then they suddenly died off sort of but now they seem to be coming back, is this because of any particular level being wrong or something? Any info is appreciated. Lars
  7. t_larz

    Feather Dusters Questions

    Do these guys need to be kept away from any other inverts or anything? I don't think any of my few fish will pick on them. They are filter feeders right? Is four too many for a 90 gallon tank w/90 lbs. of LR? Thanks! ~Lars
  8. t_larz

    What kind do you need?

    Do you need any special lighting for mushrooms or can they stand normal flouresant lights? I don't know a whole lot about them? Do they feed on light or what do they eat? Thanks! ~Lars
  9. t_larz

    Blue Stars

    Kris, I really haven't had to do anything for mine so far, had him for about three months and seems to be just feeding on the algea off the glass. Sorry is this isn't any help. I acidentally got some copper mysteriously in my tank as to where it killed my urchin but he survived along with two...
  10. t_larz

    Whats wrong?

    I have a 90 gallon tank w/ about 90 lbs of live rock. The enviroment is fine relly. What are copepods and how do I know if I have them and if not, where do I get them? Thanks for all the help guys! Lars
  11. t_larz

    Whats wrong?

    I have a manderin Goby that has been in my tank for about three months or so and he has been doing fine. I noticed today that his caudal fins are not fanned out very much and the ends are all jagged like he has been picked on. I have a Dusty Dwarf Angel, a falco hawkfish, a royal gramma, little...
  12. t_larz

    Why does it look dirty?

    Actually there, is a little kind of smell coming off of the water, sorta rotten but not really. So what is that from? The tank has been set up for about four months so I don't think that it is the bacteria,I thought that carbon might be a good thing to get. What kind of mesh bag do you mean...
  13. t_larz

    ?? Ok Off topic Question??

    I agree with Beth because I have not been on this Board for very long and don't have that many posts but I do give input and receive it as well. I now am a Jumbo and have only 48 posts. Thanks for all the input peeps!
  14. t_larz

    Which is hardier?

    What kind of urchin is easier in your opinion to take care of? A slate pencil urchin or the more prickly kind with all the sharp barbs. Thanks! Lars
  15. t_larz

    Why does it look dirty?

    I mean cloudiness(sorta like bubbles almost it seems) rather than I yellow tint, I have two Rio pumps a 2500 and a 2100, one more different brand power head. Thanks! By the way, I do use floss filter in the sump and am also using a poly filter for the time being. ~Lars
  16. t_larz

    Why does it look dirty?

    I have a 90 gallon tank w/90 lbs of LR, wet/dry, and just have a quick question. why doesn't the water ever look very clear.Should I get some charcoal and if so How do you add it to the sump? I also use a dinky skimmer until I can get a good one. One 50/50 and one actinic blue on fourescant...
  17. t_larz


    What other info do you need? I have a starfish, two other camel shrimp, a Rusty Angel, and a manderin Goby. The tank has been set up for about three monthes. It is a 90 gallon tank by the way with a wet/dry. Plenty of water movement. NO house products have been close enough to mess with it...
  18. t_larz


    I have my first tank set up but I have read a lot about this hobby so I do know quite a bit I think. I have all levels at 0 and salinity at 1.023. Temp is about 78-79 degrees. I bought a cleaner shrimp and had it for about a week, the first night I had it it shed it's exoskeleton but seemed...
  19. t_larz

    Camel Shrimp

    hey guys, I am so glad I found this post, I bought two of them along with a cleaner recently and thought that something was wrong, the cleaner somes out all the time but the camels never have I seen yet since I put them in there. I have 90lbs. of rock though so thats where they probably are...
  20. t_larz

    How do you add this???

    I have read a lot in this BB and decided to check out what this "Kalkwasser" stuff is, I bought some yesterday but now that I have it, I am sorta confused by the directions on it. Do you mix it in a seperate container, let it sit, then add the water by a drip system of some sort? and how you get...