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  1. t_larz

    Bristley things???

    Well, they grow straight out of the rock in whatever direction they are facing off of the rock, not towards the light. They are white, sorta like a Sea Fan grows but in all different directions, look sorta like lighting does when you see it or like ice sickles. That good enough?
  2. t_larz

    Bristley things???

    there are these little bristles growing out of my live rock, they don't move or anything but continue slowly to get bigger and bigger. any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks! ~Lars
  3. t_larz

    Kalkwasser ?

    Well i have heard of it but never found out what it is and since this is a bulletin board i knew that I could ask. What exactly is Kalkwasser? ~Lars
  4. t_larz

    Won't start to Cycle?

    I have had five damsels in my tank for 19 days with over fifty lbs of live rock. It is a 90 gallon. pH is low but I am working on that. Gravity is at 1.023. The ammonia level won't even start to go up. I have a wet/dry working on it with a power head in the main tank on the live rock. Any...
  5. t_larz

    Dean fish and Film on top w/smell

    Ok, here it is, my wet/dry smells like dead fish on top, should I add charcoal maybe and where then? I have five damsels to cycle my tank and they are mean, I think that they killed one but now I can't find it. It has been missing for about four days now. I looked all over the tank too. One...
  6. t_larz

    Where in the world are the fish lovers?

    I am from Ohio here, near Toledo but in a podonk town. NO LFS and the closest is about 30 minutes away. I am fifteen and love the hobby already. I one thing I think I have started to learn is the patience part. It does pay off in the end though. :P
  7. t_larz

    chocolate chip starfish

    See guys, now I know that you said that chocolate chip's eat live rock, corals, and just about anything else but my teacher,(I'm a student) has like three of them and they leave everything alone in her tank. I think that they have too bad a rap and it all depends on each individual starfish to...
  8. t_larz

    What color of light??????Do you use?????

    Can someone pleez answer my question? Thanks and all the suggestions are helpful. ~Lars
  9. t_larz

    to skim or not to skim?

    I don't know from experience but I have read and it sorta makes sense that since a skimmer takes out all the fish crap and waste that you won't really need one until you have some to clean up. so in my opinion, ya don't have to get it right away but you will need it. they are expensive too!
  10. t_larz

    What color of light??????Do you use?????

    OK guys I have given wrong info. I have two 48" bulbs which are high intensity output, a 50/50 that is 6000k and blue 03, and a actinic blue that is 7100k blue 03. they are both forty watts. so... is this ok for FOWLR and some inverts? ~Lars [This message has been edited by t_larz (edited...
  11. t_larz

    how many?

    Originally posted by SALT ONE: ok, i am about to get a cleaner shrimp, can anyone tell me what there purpose is in a reef tank, do they clean or do they keep the fish clean? and i have alot of trouble finding them so when my LFS gets some in should i get more than one??? cause i have been...
  12. t_larz

    Skimmer in Sump?

    How does your skimmer fit into the sump since the bottom is longer(the air tube) than where water is sucked up into the pump? round part pump, tall part where water is. ()[]<== pump []<= [] ====clear tube for water and O2 []<= [This message has been edited by t_larz (edited 07-09-2000).]
  13. t_larz

    So Confused???? Lights?

    Who knows what High Intensity Lighting is? what is NO or HO too. I know what VHO and MH is but all these abbreviations get confusing. How are you guys fitting all these bulbs on your tank. My hood only fits two bulbs, not like four or five! Let me in on the secret ok? lol.
  14. t_larz

    What color of light??????Do you use?????

    hey guys I know that VHO is very high output which I don't have bug what is NO or HO?? Sorry, I'm still learing all this lighting stuff.
  15. t_larz

    What color of light??????Do you use?????

    Is a 48" 7100k atinic blue and a 48" 50/50 ok for my 90 gallon tank? It is FOWLR for now but will have an anemones or two and maybe some button polyps with other invertebrates.
  16. t_larz

    Normal? I don't know

    Well I haven't added any recently but it is a new tank, about two weeks old so maybe it is just from the substrate. thanks.
  17. t_larz

    Normal? I don't know

    All that is in it is my filter, heater, and pump. I don't know really what it is from?
  18. t_larz

    Normal? I don't know

    hey guys, anyone that has a wet/dry. do you have a scum type of film on top of your sump? I has formed there recently since I just set it up and I don't know if that is supposed to be there or not. Help please. ~Lars
  19. t_larz

    peppermint shrimp

    i know that this isnt helping but i like to read all of these and i don't yet know what aptasis is? thanks. also is a coral banded a type of crab? sorry for the inconvience. ~Lars
  20. t_larz

    So Confused???? Lights?

    OK, I'm so confused , i bought a 90 gallon tank and i have read so much about lighting that I'm blue in the face but I don't understand a whole lot of it. what kind of lighting will I need to start it up. It will have fish, anemones, and a eventually some coral in it. so any help will be...