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  1. aegiale

    Mushroom ?

    Mine sort of stretch like that every morning. It's cute. :)
  2. aegiale

    Please clear this up for me...

    Thanks :) spsaddict - catching my yellow tang is very easy... everytime I want a damsel out and do the old coke bottle trick, my yellow tang is the first one in!
  3. aegiale

    Please clear this up for me...

    finally working
  4. aegiale

    Please clear this up for me...

    I don't know why I can't attach a file.
  5. aegiale

    Please clear this up for me...

    The reason I ask about the moonstone is because I got one recently because of my "research" on the internet, thinking it would be okay... but now I'm having second thoughts. Also, how large should I let my tang get before taking him out? I'm going to try to post some pictures, but it doesn't...
  6. aegiale

    Please clear this up for me...

    I was thinking of upgrading eventually. There's room for two more VHOs, but one would be suffice. It's odd because my mushrooms seem to do better towards the top of my tank and my ricordia and other anemones for the most part seem to prefer the bottom. My ricordia likes shade, actually. NM-...
  7. aegiale

    Please clear this up for me...

    Thank you for the replies. I thought watts per gallon was how light was commonly measured. I'm really surprised that with practically a third of my tank taken up my rock, the 55 or so gallons of water space wouldn't be considered higher in wattage. Because if that leaves me with approximately...
  8. aegiale

    Please clear this up for me...

    I know it's not a fun question to answer, but if you one here will / can answer it, where can I find out? Thanks.
  9. aegiale

    Please clear this up for me...

    Hi... I'd really appreciate some answers to my questions :) I'm just making sure I have this right... I have a 75 gallon tank with one 48" long 110 Watt Super Actinic Blue VHO (420 nm peak) and one 48" 110 Watt Actinic White VHO (12000K). Does this mean I have ~2.9 watts per gallon? I have...
  10. aegiale

    Spaghetti worms? (PIC)

    Sorry - I've taken more pictures, but can't seem to get a better one. So whatever they are, they're good?
  11. aegiale

    Spaghetti worms? (PIC)

    There are two little mounds at the back of my tank that have several smaller looking worms sticking out, moving around, and then a few that string out really long... are they spaghetti? Here's a link if pic doesn't work:
  12. aegiale

    Please ID

    No other ideas anyone? I really don't think it's a cucumber... it doesn't have any feet either.
  13. aegiale

    Please ID

    It does look to be the same shape as a cucumber, but I've never seen any cucumbers like this one. It also pretty much stays in one place, just kind of moves its body. I'm really lost as to what it is / what to do with it.
  14. aegiale

    Please ID

    Hope this pic works:
  15. aegiale

    Please ID

    What is this? It looks like some sort of cocoon. It seems to move slightly, too. It's about an inch long and looks slightly like the skin of a kiwi. Is it bad for my tank? Thanks.
  16. aegiale

    Another anemone ID

    How can I get rid of them? Is it okay to just scrape them off or do I have to treat them like I would aiptasia?
  17. aegiale

    Another anemone ID

    Are glass anemones usually clear or translucent? These seem like they're solid in color.
  18. aegiale

    Show me your closeup!

    Those pictures are amazing! WHAT KIND OF CAMERAS ARE YOU USING????
  19. aegiale

    Another anemone ID

    Sorry about the bad picture. I can't seem to take good pics of my tank. That's a pavona in the background. They're not toadstools because I'm familiar with them. They move around the tank sometimes and contract like an anemone when I touch them. They have small knobby arms. I'm going to...
  20. aegiale

    do apartments normally count fish as pets

    Mine just requires rental insurance, no pet deposit. Have aquariums actually crashed through the floor in a newer building?