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  1. aegiale

    Another anemone ID

    I don't think it's aiptasia... it has a small round body with tiny (short) tentacles. I have two in my tank that hitched in... one is beige in color and the other is neon green. Any ideas?
  2. aegiale

    Another ICH question...

    Yes, a bicolor blenny was added about 3 weeks ago, as well as a pair of small perculas, but they're showing no signs. I'm new to this board and just followed SWF's acclimation instructions, which don't mention anything about QT. I can set up a QT in no time, but should I just leave the tang in...
  3. aegiale

    Another ICH question...

    Explanation: I noticed two small white dots on my yellow tang (he's been in the tank for months now) and now, since reading all the posts on this board, I'm freaking out that it's ich. Am I just overreacting or are the chances strong that it is?
  4. aegiale

    Another ICH question...

    If one fish in a tank has only a couple of spots that MIGHT be ich and is taken out to be QTed right away, what are the chances of the others getting it as well?
  5. aegiale

    Clear Water?

    You've been on the boards for a while, so you might know this already, but I had the same problem until I put carbon in my sump a couple days ago per someone's suggestion. Now it's clear.
  6. aegiale

    Porky Tankmates?

    He got along well with the damsels. And they seemed to leave him alone too.
  7. aegiale

    How much lighting for ricordea?

    I kept mine under regular lighting before I got my VHOs... they actually seemed to do better under less light.
  8. aegiale

    Porky Tankmates?

    I just had to give mine up because he was eating the clean-up crew. He was really personable and usually nice to his tankmates, with the exception of emerald crabs and snails. One time he sucked the eyes out of my scooter blenny (subsequently killing him), but I blame myself for not feeding...
  9. aegiale

    What do your porky eats?

    Mine was about 3" when I got him and he wasn't picky then. Have you tried other frozen foods with him?
  10. aegiale

    Feeding Ricordia Polyps

    Yeah, I agree. I have several polyps and they do fine without me doing anything special to them. They've even split.
  11. aegiale

    Feeding Percula Clowns

    Mine ate flakes and brine the second they were added to my tank.
  12. aegiale

    What do your porky eats?

    Mine would eat practically anything, including my clean up crew, so we went back to the store. Most of all he seemed to like frozen shrimp/prawns. He'd even eat Formula 1.
  13. aegiale

    Zoanthid problem

    Sorry- I'm new here and forgot about searching this site. I'm really upset.. it looks like my "baby curly q" is one of these because it doesn't have rings on its tentacles. Question: since it's isolated and not near anything it could sting, should I just leave it there? I've heard horror...
  14. aegiale

    Zoanthid problem

    Do you think you could post a picture of it? I have a questionable anemone in my tank and when I did a search of it (aiptasia) on Google I couldn't get such a great picture. I thought mine was a baby Curly Q Anemone (because I have a large one). Now I'm worried.
  15. aegiale

    LFS in North Carolina?

    Thanks, everybody. I'll definitely look into the frag club. Don, I always went to the stores on Bird Road because I lived in Coral Gables and they were so close. Got married and had to come up here because he's in the army, otherwise we would've stayed there for a while longer. But, with...
  16. aegiale

    LFS in North Carolina?

    Thanks... how do I join the NCfrag group?
  17. aegiale

    LFS in North Carolina?

    Anyone here in North Carolina? If so, where? I just moved here from Miami, FL where there was practically a SW store on every street corner. Now I'm living in Fayetteville. Does anyone know of any decent LFS around here, or in the state within a reasonable driving distance from here...
  18. aegiale

    About reefs-

    Oh, and I don't use tap water...
  19. aegiale

    About reefs-

    Thanks for responding. Yes, I do change the floss biweekly. I also have a two sponges: one under the tank and one in the prefilter on the back. What kind of skimmer do you recommend? What does a skimmer do? And what's a DOC? Thanks so much... I'll try the carbon. I guess I'll have to...
  20. aegiale

    About reefs-

    Anyone have any suggestions???