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  1. aegiale

    weird stuff on snail shell

    Zman I have the same exact thing on one of my snails, I figured it to be some type of coral too. It's been there for many months now. It's funny when the polyps come out, it looks like a pom pom on the snail. Maybe our snails are long lost cousins :) Seriously, though, it doesn't seem to...
  2. aegiale

    About reefs-

    Also, out of curiousity, I've noticed many of you have black backgrounds. Mine is blue. Is black more beneficial or is it a matter of preference? Thanks...
  3. aegiale

    About reefs-

    Here is a picture:
  4. aegiale

    About reefs-

    Hello, I'm new to this board... this will be slightly long and I apologize, but I want to get things straight with my aquarium. I inherited a 75 gallon tank last year that was in poor condition, covered with green algae. I cleaned it up, and months later added some live rock, a 2" live sand...
  5. aegiale


    I think that might be the minimum to get free shipping, not sure though.
  6. aegiale

    What damsels can be put together?

    I have a few different kinds of damsels and they do fight (my yellow one is queen of the tank and extremely territorial), but the fighting hasn't been physical... they kind of just grunt (it's loud!) at each other and shake their tails. Once I had three blue damsels and two of them paired up on...
  7. aegiale

    yellow tabg

    FYI, he eats algae (although I've been out of it for a few days now), brine shrimp, and flakes.
  8. aegiale

    yellow tabg

    I have a small yellow tang in a 75 gallon tank. Is that large enough? He's about 2 inches. I've had him for about a month and a half (he was in QT and then in my tank for about a week now). He seems to be VERY skinny although he eats like a pig. He also seems to be getting light orange...
  9. aegiale

    Ricordia splitting, not looking so good...

    All the ricordia I've ever had that's split took a LONG time... several months actually. Mine would just shrink up and expand like they normally would.
  10. aegiale

    Algae on back glass

    I recently had the same problem and bought a few snails... the algae has been gone ever since. If you don't want to get snails, this probably isn't the answer you want, but when I had my tank professionally cleaned they would always just scrape it off the back. It stayed clean for a long...