Search results

  1. exlfs

    big BIG problem!

    It is relatively uncommon for bristle worms to attack living creatures, as others have said. Possible Causes of Deceased Animals: 1. Temperature spikes during day and you are not noticing. 2. Specific Gravity is off. Be sure to calibrate your hydrometer. If you are usning a floating one, are...
  2. exlfs

    So need to start this cycle RIGHT..have some ?'s

    Do you have a good LFS at your disposal? If so, 'cycling' the tank may be completely un-necessary (I won't bother describing this if you don't have a decent store locally or nearby).
  3. exlfs

    tank will crash URGENT

    Amquel and Novaqua (and similiar 'binding' products) last for quite a while. The main problem is that they will often provide false-positive readings on certain test addition to not allowing the nitrogen cycle to continue as naturally. Good news is that it will eventually break down...
  4. exlfs

    Must Sell!! I need to sell some coral in INDY

    How much for all if I come up and pick it up? And, can you hold for a week or so....I'll be in Indy many times in the next couple weeks. I could make the trip (about 3 1/2 hours) before then if absolutely necessary. Oh, I don't know if my PM works or not. I've never gotten one, so if you PM...
  5. exlfs

    Murphys Law, HELP NEEDED ASAP

    Glad you found the short! Funny, that's what happened to me the one and only time I crashed a tank. The cooling fan shorted out apparently right after we left for a 3 day weekend and came back to thousands and thousands of dollars worth of dead corals and fish. I was devastated! It's been a...
  6. exlfs

    Need advice please

    Nitrates are only 40, you should be in good shape. Way to go! That will certainly get you started, and it is very unlikely that you will have nitrate saturation in the substrate....HOORAY. Good news. Best of luck and God bless....
  7. exlfs

    Someone stop me

    Pro's: 1. Bigger tank=larger volume of water (dillution of solution is good) 2. If you do it right, the 'deeper' tanks can be fun as they allow for lower light corals.....BUT....people tend to try lower light corals in these situations that really should't be kept in a reef tank because they...
  8. exlfs

    tank will crash URGENT

    Well, if all you have left at this point is a trash can full of live rock, then life will get a lot easier....sadly. I don't mean that sarcastically, but fixing your live rock situation is pretty simple. You should procede with the live rock as if it is band new, non-cured live rock. Curing...
  9. exlfs

    HELP!!! corals melting

    As I will probably AlWAYS ask, are your water parameters where they should be? Post them if you have them. If you don't have them, GET THEM! Immediately! However, assuming that your water parameters are appropriate, 'melting' as you described are likely the result of either temperature swings...
  10. exlfs

    Need advice please

    Check your water first. Period....end of discussion. Do NOTHING else before you do this. You might be surprised at what you find, if you have no fish (or extremely ligh bio-load). I've had situations where tanks sat for a while in the absence of feeding fish (and the waste they produce) that...
  11. exlfs

    Anyone use these

    Greetings, ninjamini. I did not receive a PM from you. I just signed up for this site recently, and perhaps I'm using it incorrectly. But I don't see that I have received any PM's. Oh....FWIW means (for what it's worth), if that's what you meant. God bless....
  12. exlfs

    Murphys Law, HELP NEEDED ASAP

    "unless the fish already had ich, and the tank was never fallow, and the fish were never treated properly, there is no way for the fish to get ich." Not true. Many, many, many people experience ich outbreaks as a result of spikes in temperature. For the most part, the ich parasite is present...
  13. exlfs

    Anyone use these

    Yes. I've tried such a system. FWIW. For me, I got more laminar coral growth. I assumed this was becuase the egg crate allows for water movement from underneith as well. Not sure, but that's what I noticed. Plus, I hate plugs. I prefer culturing on rubble rock on egg crate. Much more...
  14. exlfs

    Will copepods breed in rubble rock pile in my sump?

    FWIW....I noticed you have a 90 gallon tank. Do you have plenty of live rock, and is your substrate appropriate (at lest a couple inches deep)? Or are you going bare-bottom? If you have a 90 gallon tank, live rock and sand, you aren't going to need to 'raise' copepods or amphipods...they will...
  15. exlfs

    Coral loosing skin

    Oops...sorry. Forgot to mention that your hammer coral may be experiencing a different problem. If what you see instead of the coral slowly receeding from it's skeleton and then eventually releasing, is a brown bubbly mucous sliming up around the coral flesh, then the hammer is experiencing...
  16. exlfs

    Coral loosing skin

    First, I assume that your Nitrates are where they should be, and that this is not simply a result of long-term exposure to poor water quality. I suspect, however that this is NOT the case, given your description of water quality parameters above. This is TEXTBOOK Strontium deffeciency! Without...
  17. exlfs

    Murphys Law, HELP NEEDED ASAP

    Because your temperature went 'down' and not up, you're probably going to be fine. With this temp change, most inverts won't care, though this may stimulate a molt from crabs and shrimps. Corals should be fine excpet for very senesitive SPS. How long was the power out to the tank? The primary...
  18. exlfs

    Just Found This On My Coral???

    Having a lot of these in a tank typically means one of two things: 1. The tank is quite healthy. or 2. The tank is being over-fed (usually not the case) Over the years, I've found that most people experience a huge bloom in their popluation after they start feeding micro-foods such as...
  19. exlfs

    Help with frogspawn

    I raise, culture and sell frogspawn. I've had the same colonies for nearly 12 years, so I can probably give yo usome advice. First a couple questions: 1. Where is the coral placed in the tank in relationship to the lights? Specificaly, are the heads that are not opening on the bottom? 2...
  20. exlfs

    Just Found This On My Coral???

    It's simply a serpelid worm. There are many types by many different names....peanut worm, spaghetti worm, etc. No harm. Only good. Should have thousands of these in a healthy tank unless you have fish/crustaceans that prey on them (hawkfish, some gobies and angels, etc). The tube you see is...