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  1. fish4me

    Post anemone carnage

    For the water changes, I already swapped out the entire 15 gallons I had on hand, and I'm mixing as much more as I can. I don't know if I should be more worried about ammonia or anemone toxins, but I figure a water change will help both. Does anyone know how soon should I swap out the carbon in...
  2. fish4me

    Post anemone carnage

    In honor of the one month anniversary of joining the tank, my beautiful RBTA went walking last night and got himself sucked up by a Tunze power head. I've seen the warnings about that issue, but my snails crawl across the intakes all the time with no problems. I figured the BTA was safe given...
  3. fish4me

    Anenome Help Needed

    Thanks! He's actually looking better this evening, after hiding completely most of the day. Maybe he's a Giants fan!
  4. fish4me

    Anenome Help Needed

    It's typical to look bad on day 2, even though it looked great all night day 1after I brought it home? Sorry, as is obvious, I'm a "first time parent" here!
  5. fish4me

    Anenome Help Needed

    Yesterday afternoon, I bought my first anemone, a RBTA. It looked a bit sad in the store, but had a great color and some good 'bubbles.' I drip acclimated for two hours. It found a spot it liked in the tank and looked great last night. Here is a picture: When the lights went off, it deflated...
  6. fish4me

    Maximum copper?

    That's a great idea, thanks!
  7. fish4me

    Maximum copper?

    I've got about 130 gallons of total tank volume, so if I had to lug water from a store, the tank would probably never get water changes. I'm using a RedSea test kit that's designed to be used when medicating a tank, and the color is coming out between 0 ppm and .10 ppm. I decided to check just...
  8. fish4me

    Maximum copper?

    Question: How much copper is too much for corals? Situation: I have extremely hard water at my house. TDS out of the faucet is over 700 ppm. I have an RO/DI system, which gets the TDS down to 6-12 ppm, although I go through new cartridges every 250 gallons or so. I've got several happy fish, and...
  9. fish4me

    Who moved my shrimp?

    Since we started this tank up, there are hundreds of 'pods. I can see them all over the glass, and for the time that I could see the dead shrimp, they were completely covering it. I'd say if you can see little white moving things in your tank, it probably means you've got pods!
  10. fish4me

    Who moved my shrimp?

    Ok, one last question: If I do a hypersaline dip, how long do I leave each rock in the water? 2 minutes? 10 minutes? Until something scary slithers out?
  11. fish4me

    Who moved my shrimp?

    If I was to do a hyper saline dip, wouldn't I loose good hitch hikers as well? I did get live rock because I wanted some life!
  12. fish4me

    Who moved my shrimp?

    I think something is odd with the test kit. My nano, which clearly did cycle (spike in ammonia, then nitrites, then nitrates), tests at 0. Maybe I'll toss another shrimp in the sump, where nothing can "steal it."
  13. fish4me

    Who moved my shrimp?

    Nitrities might have edged above zero, but not by much. Nitrates were in the 10-20 range for about two days, and are at zero again now. It's an API Test kit.
  14. fish4me

    Who moved my shrimp?

    Amazingly, even with the dead shrimp in there for 4 days, the ammonia has never gone above 0. I know the test kit is working, because it showed an ammonia spike when I cycled my nano about a month ago.
  15. fish4me

    Who moved my shrimp?

    I think I need some ID help! I ordered live rock from this site, received it, and put it in the tank 8 days ago. When my ammonia levels were still 0 after four days, I added a raw shrimp to the tank to get the cycle started. Within the four days since, the shrimp has moved about 8 inches, and...
  16. fish4me

    75G New Tank Diary

    Alas, neither of us have the skills to build a stand or canopy. At least, not if we wanted the stand to actually hold up the tank! I followed some of the advice on this board about buying used, and got the entire set-up (lights, tank, stand, chiller, sump) used via craigslist.
  17. fish4me

    75G New Tank Diary

    Hmmm. Day four after adding rock, and 10 after adding live sand, and my ammonia is still at 0. I may try ghost feeding or the "shrimp method" if it stays at 0 all week. There's no way rock that traveled 2,500 miles is fully cured, or that the tank has already cycled. That would be seriously...
  18. fish4me

    75G New Tank Diary

    Woo-hoo! Spotted my first 'pods on the glass tonight. Thanks to everyone for all the positive feedback!
  19. fish4me

    Bad Magdrive?? help

  20. fish4me

    Bad Magdrive?? help

    Wow - this sounds familiar. I got a Mag Drive 24 for the same purpose and had the same problem: it was so noisy we could hear it on the other side of the house. I ran it submerged, I ran it submerged on top of a big rubber block, I even tried running it submerged on top of a big rubber block on...