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  1. fish4me

    75G New Tank Diary

    Thanks! I'm really happy with how it turned out.
  2. fish4me

    75G New Tank Diary

    Most exciting of all, I've got the rock in, the aquascaping done (for now), and the lights up and running. Here's the final package: I am VERY excited. Now it's time for the cycle! So far ammonia and nitrites are still at 0, two days after adding the rock.
  3. fish4me

    75G New Tank Diary

    Progress continues. Last weekend I ordered live rock from, and it arrived this week. The boxes were in pretty bad shape - wet and torn on the corners. The rock, however, looked great. Here's a picture of it, now that it's in the tank. One more: It's got some beautiful colors on it...
  4. fish4me

    Tested tank with tap water?

    Nifty, thanks!
  5. fish4me

    Tested tank with tap water?

    Question for those of you who filled your new tank with tap water to test for leaks: what did you do to clean the tank before adding your saltwater? We filled our new 75G + 25G sump with tap water to check for leaks in the tank and our plumbing. Once I pump the tap water out again, should I do...
  6. fish4me

    75G New Tank Diary

    And here's the tank with its first occupant: (Please note, no actual ducks were harmed in the building of this tank.) Alas, the pump was extremely loud, and there was a leak in the bulkhead because we didn't use enough PVC glue. So, we moved to plumbing solution #2: submerged pump and braided...
  7. fish4me

    75G New Tank Diary

    Step 2: Plumbing. The tank came pre-drilled, with a sump, however there was no plumbing. The sump is an EcoSystem sump/filter. After a lot of reading here, I decided to run it as a traditional sump, instead of as an EcoSystem filter, since I didn't want to deal with miracle mud getting kicked...
  8. fish4me

    75G New Tank Diary

    Step one: Because I know that water will be spilled over time, I decided to line the inside wooden floor of the stand with vinyl/linoleum. I went to Lowe's, asked for the cheapest linoleum they had, and for $4 total, they sold me 20 linear feet of this wood toned flooring. After some cutting and...
  9. fish4me

    75G New Tank Diary

    Sometime back in May, my husband and I decided to get a 24G AquaPod. Overall, that has gone well, but as a few of you may have experienced, I soon felt the urge to upgrade! The result was that we purchased a used 75 gallon tank, stand, MH lights, and chiller. A picture from the day we went to...
  10. fish4me

    Worm ID?

    Hmm. This guy always comes out of the same hole in the rock, although I find him stretched to several other holes. Is there that much detrius inside my live rock? It was cured. I know there are plent of other worms in it, and probably pods. I guess I'm amazed by the thought of what else there...
  11. fish4me

    Worm ID?

    I think, based on what I've read here, that this guy is probably a peanut worm. He keeps leaving poop all over the sand below the rock he pops out of, though. So my questions are: What is he? What is he eating that he can poop so much?
  12. fish4me

    Cycling again! Why?

    The issue probably is overfeeding, because the clownfish has refused to eat from day one. (Her symptoms suggested internal parasites, which I wasn't able to fix.) I've tried to suction/ scoop out the un-eaten food after feeding & when I did the water change, and the shrimp and nassarius snails...
  13. fish4me

    Cycling again! Why?

    I started a 24 gallon AquaPod in late June. I've got 33 lbs of LR, 30 lbs of LS, and a skimmer. I cycled the tank using the dead shrimp method, and over the course of about 10 days, ammonia peaked, then nitrites, then nitrate. When everything was at zero, and had stayed at zero for a few days, I...
  14. fish4me

    Drip acclimation

    I have a 24 gallon AquaPod. For those of you with nano tanks, how do you handle drip acclimation? I'm concerned that by the time I've let the tank drip for 2-3 hours, I'll have drained half the water! Anyone have any advice or experience? Thanks!
  15. fish4me

    Clown won't eat

    The clown was, and still is active. But it just won't eat. Thanks for the suggestion of nori, nicetry. I'll give it a shot. I'm worried that even if I move the fish to a QT and start treating with something anti-parasitic, it's still going to starve to death before it heals.
  16. fish4me

    Clown won't eat

    I started up my first salt tank in early June. The tank has cycled, and I bought a clownfish 10 days ago. Since that time, the clownfish has never eaten, although I've tried mysis shrimp, mysis shrimp with garlic juice, live blood worms, and cyclopeeze. The fish did try to eat the cyclopeeze two...