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  1. dav

    Hair Algae

    I had green hair algae and now where that was it seem to be brown almost fuzzy stuff. Is this a whole other algae or is this just the dead green hair algae??
  2. dav

    Hair Algae

    What does green hair algea look like when it is dead??
  3. dav

    Hair Algae

    Go to the home page, there is a "search" up at the top. Type in algea, hair algea, ect.... and you can find anything you might want to know. Some have pictures too.
  4. dav

    Were do you buy your saltwater mix?

    I don't know exactly what brand you are looking for but, the Petsmart here sales Coralife and some other brand. They don't carry any sw fish but they do carry the supplies. Might be worth a try. And someone told me if you can print off their coupon off the net they will price match it in the...
  5. dav

    What temp. do you keep???

    Mine is 80-82 that's why I was wondering.
  6. dav

    What temp. do you keep???

    Just wondering - what do you keep you temp. at & is it o.k. to vary within 2 degrees when the lights are on??:notsure:
  7. dav

    reply befor I buy

    Hellolights... is one someone had told me about, might be worth a try.
  8. dav

    molting shrimp

    Well if you want my opinion - when my cbs molted we thought it was dead!! It looked like it was laying upside down on his rock, tentacles and all. Just look around before you freak out like we did. :eek:
  9. dav

    Air Bubbles Developing

    I have that problem too.:mad: but just on the left side. I tryed adjusting it out but that didn't help. I would LOVE to have a better idea of what you are talking about so I could try it too!!
  10. dav

    This is the one I like....

    Sorry, no digital camera, but I wish I could.........he is even out right now!!!!! :jumping: My boys are always on the lookout for him. This means family time at the tank!!!
  11. dav

    This is the one I like....

    I guess I don't have anything black in my tank to blend in with. He is really a beautiful fish, and really interresting to watch. He will "hang" nose down and extend his fins out where he looks really cool with his big "eye"up at the top. Neat to watch.
  12. dav

    This is the one I like....

    I have one. It was in the tank when I bought it. They said they hadn't seen it in a couple mo. before I got it though. It does usually stay in the rocks but it has a certain cave it loves to hang out in so we can usually at least see him in there. But low and behold this morning when I fed...
  13. dav

    RO/DI water - need to add anything??

    Thanks guys - about the name and the info. But one more thing, does the new water need to be the same temp. as the tank?? Doing 25g change on 135g.
  14. dav

    RO/DI water - need to add anything??

    What's that?
  15. dav

    RO/DI water - need to add anything??

    When using ro/di water for water changes, do you need to add anything other than salt? And, do you still need to let it set for so long before adding it?? :notsure:
  16. dav


    The marine betta - he is a really cool fish. We all look forward to when he is out or even looking out. He does hide alot but when he is out it's well worth the wait. Any suggestions on how to get the cc out and/or what kind of sand to get. What about the sand people talk about from Home...
  17. dav


    The rocks - yea - they are side to side within 3"-4" at bottom about 6"-8"away from the sides at the top. Across the top I have 2 hang on "overflow" boxes and 3 power heads 2 attached to stuff at the bottom, 1 was just on there I guess for water movement. The rocks are kinda in a U shape with...
  18. dav


    I just had to add this - I just read a posting in the "new" forum you are really funny!!!!!
  19. dav


    The skimmer is in the sump. How would I go about getting the cc out and putting the sand in. Would I have to take everything out and just start over(put water in buckets) like I did to move it or what?? :notsure: