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  1. santiago

    A Day At Discovery Cove

    you were right, they should fix that, i feel like complaining now. what did you like about the park?
  2. santiago

    A Day At Discovery Cove

    i have been there too and also noticed that their purple tangs, sailfin tangs, and moorish idols were also in bad shape, i asked the trainer that was our guide about that and he told us that they try and help the fish and that if they keep having problems with that kind of fish that they will...
  3. santiago

    starting a dwarf seahorse tank

    i have always heard that u should use black sand that is thick so the seahorses can see what they are chasing after and the thinner finer the substrate the easier it is for the seahorse to get it in its body and die, but u know they are in the wild with fine substrate and they do just fine, that...
  4. santiago

    Nascar Clownfish

    wow. that is very unsual
  5. santiago

    New Aquascape ....check it out

    i like it, when that toad stool gets bigger it will look like a bridge. nice jod
  6. santiago

    pom pom crab

    I have never had one but i heard if it gets picked on it will detach its leg. i dont think that there is anything special about the anemones, i always thought of them as aptasia anemones.
  7. santiago

    fish recomendations

    be careful about the type of clown because some could easily take over a 55g,maroon clownfish, and make all the other fish miserable
  8. santiago

    Worst thing you have heard from your LFS

    i walked into a pet store run by hillbillys. they had a 55 gallon tank with 5 damsels,1 coral beauty, 3 flounders, and a 6in. remora. the filtration on this tank was a tiny box filter. a person who had a 30 gallon reef wanted to buy the remora because the lady said it was full grown and does...
  9. santiago

    The Stock for my new tank.

    Linckia Sea Star, Blue is reef safe. I perfer not to put hermit crads in because as they get bigger they become sort of careless and just knock off corals and stuff. make sure your lid is tight because the eel can escape. Good Luck
  10. santiago


    The jackknife fish does well in a peacful tank. Your tank is probably large enough. if you get one release it on the oppisite side of the tank as the puffer.
  11. santiago

    Flame Hawkfish, Javanese Damsel, Kole Tang

    has your kole tang been picked on ?
  12. santiago

    fragging a colt coral

    how the people at my lfs do it is they put a rubber band on a bfanch and it slowly separates the peice from the other peice. i also have a colt and it is about 11in. tall and beautiful.
  13. santiago

    33 cube pics

    good job, keep us updated
  14. santiago


    what exactly is the anemone called?
  15. santiago

    Good pair of fish?

    maybe 2 Spotted Cardinalfish
  16. santiago

    What eats...

    i had a bad infestation of fire worms once and bought a six line wrasse,it died, so i bought an arrow crab, it ate probably ate 30 of the worms and then dissaperad,then i put in some panty hose filled with computer paper and some fish food over night and it caught about 100. so id say unless you...
  17. santiago

    Emergency 911

    what are your paraments?
  18. santiago

    Red Sea Max 34 Gallon for Beginner

    if money isnt an issue id go with a 55 or 40g tank with a trickle filter and you can store a skimmer down there. but if you want corals i'd go with the 29 bio cube.
  19. santiago

    Sump question.

    you can take out the bio-balls and put live rock in there. my friend did that and it is working nicely. Instead i just put in a 10 gallon refug on a stand sharing the pump and tubing.