Search results

  1. litlfishy

    Placement of pump in sump

    Thanks for the replies. Right now I'm planning on having fish, live rock, anemones and some mushrooms. I know that everybody gets the reef bug and I probably will too!! So I'll upgrade the Mag pump. Another question I have that maybe somebody can help with. I plan on getting an overflow box and...
  2. litlfishy

    Placement of pump in sump

    I am getting a 180g main tank with my 55g as a sump/refugium. I was looking at the Mag series pumps. I'm leaning towards the Mag 12.
  3. litlfishy

    Placement of pump in sump

    What would everybody say is the prefered placement of a pump in the sump. Submerged in the water or out of the sump and run in-line? I'm thinking that by taking the pump out of the water there will be less heat transfer. Also if I may, can I solicit any recommendations for a reliable and quiet...
  4. litlfishy

    RO/DI water, now what?

    I just purchased a new RO/DI unit and I'm not sure what to add to the RO/DI water? For saltwater do I just add my salt mix, or do I add some other type of conditioner? For freshwater, what do I add, if anything at all? Thanks for the help!!
  5. litlfishy

    What's the BEST salt available?

    The test was supposedly done by an independent group so as to avoid bias. But, you know, there is no such thing. You can read about the test and how the different salts performed at I concentrated on the results for pH, silicates, phosphates and copper. Check out the study and...
  6. litlfishy

    What's the BEST salt available?

    Has anybody read the S-15 report, it's an independent study on the top-15 salt mixes available. The three salts that tested best are Marine Environment, Bio-Sea and Coral Marine. Does anybody use these salts???? If not what does everybody recommend??
  7. litlfishy

    What does everybody do for...?

    Since I'm starting out with a new tank, and I want to do everything right, I have a couple more questions. First, thanks for all the help in the past, and I need more direction going forward. What does everybody do to remove/lessen silicates? Other than an RO/DI. Also, the same question for...
  8. litlfishy

    Ot- Nfl Superbowl

    HERE WE GO STEELERS, HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!
  9. litlfishy

    Help!! Please!! Protein skimmers

    I have heard a lot of good things about the skimmers mentioned. When I first started this crusade I was thinking of a Berlin Hang On made by Red Sea. Now, I see there are a lot of good options. Does anybody know anything about the Berlin before I rule it out. Also, from what I have been reading...
  10. litlfishy

    if i got anyone upset over my feelins i am sorry

    This thread has been the most interesting that I have ever read on the internet. I thought I was getting on-line to learn about protein skimmers, but instead received a real education. One, that the people on this board are truly well informed and educated (for the most part). Two, that this has...
  11. litlfishy

    Help!! Please!! Protein skimmers

    Are the Remoras noisy, thats what I have heard. Not sure if its a sales pitch, or just a bad one in the batch. Whats your input?
  12. litlfishy

    Help!! Please!! Protein skimmers

    I'm in the market for a very good protein skimmer, Hang on the back type. I currently have a 55 gallon tank, but I plan on upgrading in about a year to a 125g. Would like to buy just one. What do all you fine folks have, and what do you recommend (if different)? Also, can you include why you...
  13. litlfishy

    protein skimmers

    Sorry, I guess that would help. I'm looking for a hang on skimmer, or a sump skimmer that can be converted to a hang on for a year or so (if its not unsightly or to problematic). Right now I plan on having a 55 gallon FO tank, but the future may be different. But we'll see!! Tanks for the help...
  14. litlfishy

    protein skimmers

    Hey all, thanks for the help so far!!! I am commited to being sucussful with this saltwater stuff. I really appreciate all the replies. In your opinions what protein skimmers would you recommend to use. I would rather buy a good one at first, instead of what the lfs has in stock at the moment...
  15. litlfishy

    powerheads (best types)

    I am starting up a new FO tank, and would like some help on picking out powerheads. What is a good brand? The rotating heads look like a good idea, yes or no? Thanks for all the help!! This board takes a lot of the stress out of starting a new tank!
  16. litlfishy

    LS or undergravel filter

    Hello all! Great info. on these forums. I need a recommendation. The more opinions the better. I'm starting a 55g fish only tank (for now). Should I start off with live sand with a deep sand base, or an undergravel filter? If sand, what other filters (other than wet/dry) should I start with...