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  1. cori

    Lights off for 24 hrs?

    Ok..thank you. That's a relief. I was worried about the anemones. Now I can relax.
  2. cori

    Lights off for 24 hrs?

    I have to take an unplanned trip out of town today. I will be gone overnight. I have found that my timer that I had (I didn't have it hooked up before today) is not functioning. Is it safe to leave my lights off, leaving only the moon lights on for 24 hours? I don't really have anyone I could...
  3. cori

    need advice, quick!

    Ack..I don't have a hospital tank set up yet.
  4. cori

    need advice, quick!

    I ordered some mushrooms from one of the 'other' big sites. Well I recieved them a few minutes ago, and one of the bags has a pungent odor to it. You can clearly see there is some death goin' on in that bag. (erm..there's stringy stuff one the one end) Here's my I call the place I...
  5. cori

    sawleaf calpura

    Back when I first started my tank out, my LFS sold me a piece of LR that had some plant growth on it. According to them..this was a desirable item for your tank. Being a newbie at the saltwater hobby..I believed..hook, line and sinker. It turned out to be sawleaf calpura. It is a nightmare. I am...
  6. cori


    LOL...good question. I've been doing a lot of reading about corals needing water flow in the tank. I have a corner flow I'm not really concerned about the one side of the tank's flow rate, as the water seems to move along fairly well on that side, but on the opposite end, it doesn't...
  7. cori


    I have a 75 gallon with a couple fish, and a few corals (mushrooms, leathers, fox coral) I think I need to add a powerhead or two. Could ya all give me some advice on how many I need? I saw on one website that I should have a turnover of 300 gph.. there is one PH I see that has a 295 gph...
  8. cori

    Water change dilemma..

    I have a 75 gallon with 120 lbs of LR. I have a few mushrooms and soft corals, and a decent sized clean up crew. I have a pair of clowns and a lawnmower blenny in there as well. My tank is a few months old now. I had a coral beauty angel that died in the tank. The problem is, with all of the...
  9. cori

    Cyano and adding a powerhead

    I have a 75 gallon tank that is a few months old, that is going through a bad outbreak of cyano. I have been thinking about increasing the waterflow, by adding a powerhead (reducing the light won't work, since I have a couple corals in there) Are there powerheads available that do not require...
  10. cori

    Pics of your new tank

    Originally Posted by StingrayJs Hell its $15 lb here!!! I need to get about 200lbs also for my new tank, here soon. *sigh* might have to drive out of state to another store. Yep... 2 fish stores, seperated by about 5 miles. Same exact is $9/lb the other is $15/lb.
  11. cori

    Pics of your new tank

    Originally Posted by kzoo You have alot of great growth on you rock is that from another tank? No, this is my first saltwater tank. The rock with the growth on it is from a LFS. Good price too...$9 a lb. :)
  12. cori

    Pics of your new tank

    that's a great tank, Kzoo!
  13. cori

    Pics of your new tank

    My new 75 gallon with approximately 100 lbs of LR. :) Just waiting for the cycle to finish!!
  14. cori

    cycle question

    I had some rock in my tank, which had not cycled. I added addtional rock, and the nitrates skyrocketed a day or two after the new stuff was added. Now, I'm wondering...once they go back down, will my tank be cycled? Or will that 2nd batch of rock have to cycle again?
  15. cori

    Cleaning Crew

    My 75g is starting to get some green algae. It is currently still cycling, so I'm not sure if it is ok to add more of a cleaning crew to the tank yet or not. Currently I have 2 turbo snails, and a couple crabs. Could someone give me some good recommendations as to how much of a cleaning crew I...
  16. cori

    New LR during cycle?

    I have a 75 gallon that I have just set up. I had approximately 60 lbs of LR in it (which I have had for a couple weeks). I had checked the water levels a couple days ago, and it had not shown any signs of cycling yet. Today my order arrived with another 60 lbs of LR. I cleaned it off, and put...
  17. cori

    Live Rock Supplements

    Hi everyone :) I have a new 75 gallon corner flow tank. I have 20lbs of live rock (I'll be adding to that this week). The only thing in the tank now is a turbo snail. I have read that LR does better with some supplements. I am currently adding Seachem's calcium supplement once a week. I have...
  18. cori

    some kinda polyps or Aptasia?

    Hey Charlie... I have just had my first round of aptasia removal. I bought some Jack's Juice, that comes with the syringe along with it. It works immediately! I am not sure from the pictures.. the do look like Aptasia to me...but they look a bit different than the ones I had. Best to have one...
  19. cori

    Hitchiker identification and question

    I have just set up my 75 gallon saltwater tank. I have 20 pounds of LR..which will increase soon...but this morning when I turned on my lights, I noticed this little fella.... sorry for the poor picture quality.. it's the best I could get. It's kind of a reddish/purple (sorta a rust color I...
  20. cori

    curing live rock?

    Bah..that's what I was afraid the answer was gonna be!