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  1. nicodemus

    Refugium Sand

  2. nicodemus

    Refugium Sand

    I have already added some lr and sand from an established refugium into my new refugium, but would like to add a little more sand. Can I add sand from my dt into my refugium, or can i only add "pure" sand?
  3. nicodemus

    Lighting Combo

    I'm replacing two 96w compact bulbs on my 40 gallon and like the actinic dark look, but still want to illuminate my fish. Any opinions on a Pure actinic +50/50 combo for the lights? I plan to keep an anonome and already have they need the daylight wavelength?
  4. nicodemus

    Algae scrubber refugium

    I have both of those.....still growing
  5. nicodemus

    Algae scrubber refugium

    I have a 45 gallon reef tank and have been fighting a serious hair algae problem for some time. In my sump, I use a polyfilter,phosban, and carbon, even took out my bio balls, and do 10 gallon water changes every week...still no improvement. I was wondering if a refugium with macroalgae would...
  6. nicodemus

    Bio Balls

    I have a 40 gal reef tank with skimmer and bio balls. My lfs told me that if I have a reef tank with live rock(which I do), the bio balls will just increase the nitrates and that I should add more live rock and depend on this for filtration (plus skimmer), removing the bio balls. I am currently...
  7. nicodemus


    thanks...i am trying to deal with an algae problem myself
  8. nicodemus


    I have looked over previous posts about this product, but none seem to definatively say whether it removes phosphates or not....does this filter pad remove phosphates?
  9. nicodemus

    Phosphate Control

    I dont have a canister filter, but i think I could still position a filter bag of phosphate absorbant in the filtration. does anyone have any experience with the phosban reactor?
  10. nicodemus

    Phosphate Control

    I have a 40 gallon uniquarium, bio balls and venturi skimmer in back w/about 40 lbs. lr. The bioload is a clown, coral beauty, and a jawfish. I bought the tank used, so I assume the lights are atleast a couple years old. I currently have ridiculous hair algae growth and have used numerous...
  11. nicodemus

    Sunpaq vs. Current

    My Nitrates are at zero and my phosphates are at .5ppm. I have tried urchins, blennies, hermit crabs, snails...nothing seems to eat the hair algae..what do you think will eat the algae? I have seemingly spent forever trying to lower my phosphates to no avail. Also, I use bio balls for filtration...
  12. nicodemus

    Sunpaq vs. Current

    So I misread your msg. What exact bulbs are you suggesting and what can I do to reduce my phospates? I have been doing a ten gallon water change every two weeks but every time I test, they are still just a little high.
  13. nicodemus

    Sunpaq vs. Current

    I have zoos, mushrooms, and some carnation. I have ridiculous green hair algae growth and have been doing everything to diminish it, hoping new lights will help. I bought the tank used, so I have no idea how old the bulbs are...they have to be alteast a year+ old. Can my bulb choice help with...
  14. nicodemus

    Sunpaq vs. Current

    sorry dumb question....they're the same company.
  15. nicodemus

    Sunpaq vs. Current

    I need to replace my 2 96w square pin pc bulbs for my 40gal. Which is the better company...Sunpaq or Current? Also, is it worth saving the money to go with just an actinic and sunlight bulb, or are the dual daylight and dual actinic lights worth the slight extra?
  16. nicodemus

    Green hair Algae

    Ya, I was going to buy 10 for 10 off this site along with lawnmower blenny, 2 jawfish, and a serpent star. Would that be too much to add at once? And anyone who has ordered off this site, whats the best way to make sure I recieve my shipment?
  17. nicodemus

    Green hair Algae

    I use RO water for my water changes. My plan right now is to get a lawnmower blenny and do frequent water changes.
  18. nicodemus

    Green hair Algae

    The tank is about a year old. 50 gallon. It doesnt get much natural sunlight. I recently bought this tank used so Im not sure how old the lights are. My clean up crew of about 10 hermits, 4 nassarius, and 4 turbo snails hasnt touched the hair algae since its growth. My phosphate is around .025...
  19. nicodemus

    Green hair Algae

    Green Hair Algae has taken over my rocks and has begun destroying my gsp. I bought a bottle of purple up hoping the little corraline I have will begin to overgrow the hair algae, but the algae growth is pretty fast. Just wondering what other methods are good to control this algae. Thanks
  20. nicodemus

    Inducing Corraline Growth

    Thanks guys, my LFS just got some in and I am starting the process