Search results

  1. nicodemus

    Algae Cleaners?

    I've recently added some corals, a clown, and some hermits to my 20 gal tank. The hermits are doing a great job of cleaning the sandbed and rocks, but i'm getting a lot of green algae on the glass. Whats a good reef friendly creature that will clean it?
  2. nicodemus

    Phosphate=1, help plz

    skimmer, penguin125 filter, 2 powerheads...I've started with the weekly RO water changes...I did about a 50% water change and that didnt seem to help much. What causes high phosphate?
  3. nicodemus

    Phosphate=1, help plz

    My phosphate is curently at 1...does anyone have advice on good phosphate removal. my local store recomends Rowa phosphate remover. Thanks
  4. nicodemus

    Clownfish Acclimation

    Yeah, I think I dropped him in the corner. O well, thanks for all of your help
  5. nicodemus

    Clownfish Acclimation

    woud he claim a territory in the first couple days? Is it normal for it to be in the corner, away from rock and coral?
  6. nicodemus

    Clownfish Acclimation

    I only have a cleaner shrimp. I'm pretty sure he's adjusting to his new home now.
  7. nicodemus

    Clownfish Acclimation

    I have recently purchased a Percula Clown along with some corals for my tank. For the last couple days, the percula has remained in one corner of my tank. Is this normal? I think he might see his I need to pair him with another clown?
  8. nicodemus

    White Bug in tank

    Thank you for your help
  9. nicodemus

    White Bug in tank

    Thank you....where do they come from and do u know why they are beneficial?
  10. nicodemus

    White Bug in tank

    yeah, the pics look like it: so do I need to do anything? one site said that it will attach itself to my fish and kill them. What should I do?
  11. nicodemus

    White Bug in tank

    Recently, I have discovered a small, about the size of a fingernail, white bug crawling around the rocks. I only see it when I turn on the lights, as it scurries for cover. If anyone knows what this is or what it comes from. I have just recently noticed it, but have not added any new liverock...
  12. nicodemus

    Mini-reef lighting

    Thanks, but its going to be a while until I'm going to be purchasing lights
  13. nicodemus

    Cyano in FOWLR

    I'm using a simple flourescent bulb about 6-7 hours a day: could this be the problem?
  14. nicodemus

    Tank Lighting

    I realize this is still the equipment board, but I would like some advice in first time reef choices. Please see my post in the beginners post. Thank you
  15. nicodemus

    Cyano in FOWLR

    I have a 20 gallon FOWLR tank with a bacpac skimmer, biowheel filter and two powerheads...i am still getting cyano in my tank: what should I do? Thanks
  16. nicodemus

    Southern CA fish??

    where exactly are you going in SC?
  17. nicodemus

    Tank Lighting

    I would like to keep some zoos, anemones, a cleaner shrimp, and a blenny
  18. nicodemus

    Mini-reef lighting

    I am setting up a acrylic 30 gallon mini-reef tank...what is the best way to go for lighting?
  19. nicodemus

    Tank Lighting

    I am a beginner and would like to know what is the best way to go for lighting on a 30 gallon acrylic mini-reef tank
  20. nicodemus

    fish addition

    I currently have a lawnmower blenny and cleaner shrimp in a fish-only tank...any suggestions on another good fish I could add?