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  1. nicodemus

    Anemone Problem

    I recently purchased a rose bulb anemone and it was doing great, but last night it crawled behind a rock and got caught in the rio pump, I turned it off and hope that he will be able to crawl out. He was stuck too much for me to try and remove him...anyone have any suggestions?
  2. nicodemus

    Aquarium Leak

    Yeah, I could never really find a major leak in the tank, i think it just needs some re-sealing, so I'll keep it around like you suggested.
  3. nicodemus

    Aquarium Leak

    Well, I drained the tank and found a couple small leaks. I bought a new 20 gallon and transfered everything and hope everything will adjust.
  4. nicodemus

    Aquarium Leak

    I'm pretty positive my tank is leaking because the towel underneath it is soaked and the water level is dropping too fast for evaporation. I checked the sides and couldnt find a leak, so I suspect it is on the bottom...any ideas on how to control the leak etc..?
  5. nicodemus

    Aquarium Leak

    I'm pretty positive my take is leaking because the towel underneath it is soaked and the water level is dropping a little too fast for evaporation. I checked the sides and couldnt find a leak, so I suspect it is on the bottom...any ideas on how to control the leak etc..?
  6. nicodemus

    They look like spider eggs

    Attached around the base of my button polyps are a few small spider egg looking things. They are white and look like very small cotton balls...any ideas?
  7. nicodemus

    clean sandbed Nassarius snails are good for sandbed. What auction site..----?
  8. nicodemus

    clean sandbed

    Recently, my sandbed has begun extremely dirty. There has been a bloom of cyanobacteria on the sand, but no where else in the tank...It is just super concentrated in one area. What snails or cleaners will keep my bed clean? I put about 6 hermit crabs in a month ago, but i think a few...
  9. nicodemus

    Algae Control

    I've recently shortened my lighting time and the 4 snails I have seem to be doing a good job cleaning everything. I dont think that my problem is so severe that I need 10 or so snails. I think my algae is bad just because my phosphates are so high (1).
  10. nicodemus

    Algae Control

    unfortunately i dont have access to RO water. I live in a college dorm w/out a car. Would it be possible for me to buy say 5 gallons of RO water and use this to occasionally top off my tank, or would that build up algae etc. if left sitting?
  11. nicodemus

    Algae Control

    I'm going to assume that question is directed to me. I feed my fish daily, alternating between flake and formula 2 frozen. I use a brita filter to top off my tank almost daily. I top it off so much, its basically like doing weekly 10% water changes. I have a bac pac proteing skimmer.
  12. nicodemus

    Algae Control

    well mines not that dense, but its getting thick on the rocks. Has yours grown that thickly on the rocks or sandbed?
  13. nicodemus

    Algae Control

    I dont have conch's, there margarita snails. I was told to actually get more, but I'm going to start small and see if they can keep up with the algae growth. So far, they seem to be doing a great job keeping the glass clean, but haven't touched my rock and sandbed. Is this where an emerald crab...
  14. nicodemus

    Algae Control

    Once they clean the glass off, will they turn to the rock and sandbed?
  15. nicodemus

    Algae Control

    well its hard to say how much I have, but I have two powerheads, a bio filter, and a protein skimmer. Its a 20 gal tank. I just purchased 4 margarita snails yesterday and they seem to be eating the algae quite well. Will they clean my sand bed?
  16. nicodemus

    Algae Control

    Thanks a lot for your help. I actually already have the PhosphateOut product you mention, but would like to avoid adding chemicals to my tank. Adding the the reef cleaners slowly is a good idea...I plan on getting some tommorow and testing my phosphate. Thanks again
  17. nicodemus

    Algae Control

    Thanks again for the help arkey. I have a 20 gal and very few I still need that many for my cleaner crew? and should I ditch my bubble algae and try to regulate phophate another way?
  18. nicodemus

    Algae Control

    In the last couple of days, my tank has had a tremendous growth of green algae all of the walls, rocks, and sand. My phosphates are very high (1) and I'm trying to use bubble algae to eat up the phosphate, along with frequent water changes. Can anyone help me? I have some hermit crabs...
  19. nicodemus

    Algae Cleaners?

    Yes, I have a skimmer on my tank. I have phosphate out, but dont want to use it for reasons you explained. I want bubble algae in my tank so that it will eat up some of the What kind of snails do I need? Which creatures will eat it off the glass and which will take care of the...
  20. nicodemus

    Algae Cleaners?

    A lot of the algae has begun creeping onto my rockwork. However, I have high phosphate levels and dont want to lose my bubble algae to an emerald crab. are there any other options?