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  1. nicodemus

    Inducing Corraline Growth

    Where is the best place to purchase purple up? My LFS does not have
  2. nicodemus

    Inducing Corraline Growth

    I've had my tank for about a year and have a lot of macroalgae growth. What is the best way to cause the little coraline I have to begin spreading over the other algae?
  3. nicodemus

    Cannister + Fuge

    hmmm thats a good idea..i think i put it more towards the top. Theres one above it with a mesh bag of phosban..i think they can get out. Does anyone know about coral skeletons as frags, compared to normal rocks.
  4. nicodemus

    Cannister + Fuge

    I was in Kaui this winter and picked up a lot of the dead coral skeletons on the beach. I decided to put a collection of them in one of the "buckets" for my 404 fluval canister and try to create a sort of mini-refuge. Hasnt seemed to do any harm yet, anyones opinions of this?
  5. nicodemus

    yellow watchman goby

    definately dont have a refuge, so i'll back off on the goby. thanks
  6. nicodemus

    coral transplant

    whats the post titled...they're too hard to find on search
  7. nicodemus

    coral transplant

    I have a frag of mushrooms that has completely overgrown and I would like to transplant a couple polyps to other spots in the tank....can anyone give me a tutorial on how to cut polyps safely away and re-place.
  8. nicodemus

    yellow watchman goby

    I currently have a small spotted dragonet...can I keep a yellow watchman goby. I also have a coral banded and 2 peppermint shrimp...can I keep a pistol shrimp. 55 gal reef tank
  9. nicodemus

    B tip releasing brown threads

    It seemed pretty drastic and violent to be "poop" and since he hasn't come out but I guess I'll listen to you guys
  10. nicodemus

    B tip releasing brown threads

    I just watched my green bubble tip (hosts a true-perc clown) retract its tentacles so they were thin and very green. The middle clear white began to expand to a large bulb, releasing many brown threads. My clown would bite the threads, releasing them into the tank, after a few minutes of...
  11. nicodemus

    Fluval 404 Help

    which ones are those?
  12. nicodemus

    Fluval 404 Help

    Are there any media in it that must be removed for a reef tank?
  13. nicodemus

    Fluval 404 Help

    I recently was given a Fluval 404 canister filter and was wondering if anyone knows which media needs to be re-filled and how often..and any other maintenence tips. Thanks
  14. nicodemus

    Get Rid of Damsel

    I have a black striped yellow damsel, anyone know the best way to get one out of a large reef tank(55 gal)
  15. nicodemus

    Oxygen bubbles in tank

    The higher I set the flow, the more bubbles appear. but even at the lowest levels bubbles still show up. However I think your correct about the venturi effect. Any suggestions on how to lower it? My water return to the tank is at a minimum level. Thanks
  16. nicodemus

    Oxygen bubbles in tank

    I recently set up a Fluval 404 canister filter in my tank and the output hose has been putting out water that is extremely oxygenated. On the opposite side of the output, the tank wall is covered in bubbles. Is this a problem with the filter or the water in my tank? What causes water to become...
  17. nicodemus

    Killing Aiptasia

    Thank you....does anyone have any "cost free" methods?
  18. nicodemus

    Killing Aiptasia

    I have about 5-6 aiptasia that have popped up in my tank. I bought a peppermint shrimp a couple of weeks ago when they first appeared, but i think my much larger cleaner shrimp killed him. After the peppermint disappeared I tired injecting boiling water and now lemon water. None of these are...
  19. nicodemus

    Anemone Problem

    thanks, if he tries to move to the back of the aquarium, should I move him or just let do his own thing?
  20. nicodemus

    Anemone Problem

    It has been a couple hours and he has freed himself from the pump and moved to the top of a rock, but is still somewhat closed up. I think he's ok, just need to give it some time