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  1. wiluven

    Sand bed...

    Well the rule states greater than 4 if you go 4.000001 inches you should be good.
  2. wiluven


    I love the website and respect the rule but editing my post that contained an [hr] website so someone can purchase a *camera* is a little ridiculous. Does sell cameras? It's not exactly a competitor.....
  3. wiluven

    How to get them to breed

    Throw a fish por-no on the tv for 'em.
  4. wiluven


    Best thing to do is look on .. ***********************
  5. wiluven

    Octopus Filosus

    Man too bad it doesn't live longer - that is so cool!
  6. wiluven

    number of fish for 180

    It's a fish-eat-fish world!
  7. wiluven


    Originally Posted by srfisher17 ***** is a mass merchandiser; you could be getting fish from the cat person while the fish person, who isn't well trained anyway, is at lunch. Buying fish from ***** would be like buying a Rolex at Wal-Mart. Sidenote - your analogy makes no sense :P Walmart...
  8. wiluven

    Upkeep Cost...

    Originally Posted by NigerBang I doubt food will cost 100 a month...No need for more sand... Just wondering if you were looking into a corner...I am about to try and sell my 92 corner.. Ahh I misunderstood. well I'd love to see it if you have pics. I have the movers coming in a week to move...
  9. wiluven

    Upkeep Cost...

    I wouldn't do it any other way - definately quality equipment up front. Last thing I need to do is start a hobby with crappy equipment. Just trying to figure out some sort of time estimate. Ie when I got my puppy, I knew before hand how many times I can expect to take the dog outside for a...
  10. wiluven

    Upkeep Cost...

    I don't exactly have a budget - Just looking for a high/low $$ amount. Will the general stuff (food, sand, etc) cost more than 100 dollars a month for a 90 gallon tank? How much time is spent roughly working with the tank - cycling, feeding, etc. Not a 90 gallon corner - 90 gallon bowed...
  11. wiluven

    Upkeep Cost...

    I've been researching Salt Water tanks for a couple weeks now pretty heavily. I've spent a fair amount of time at the local Salt Water store looking at tanks, fish, etc. I've also read all the posts for 'newbies' on this forum as well as all the posts going back a few months. If I decide to...