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  1. bostonpro

    How Do You Feed A Green Brain? Where Is His Mouth?

    His mouth(s) are little slits in the middle of him. Usually the brain will extend little tenticles and I just squirt the food on them. He then brings the food to his mouth all by himself. But if your brain isn't doing so well then he may not be sticking his tenticles out. Hope that helps a little.
  2. bostonpro

    RO/DI Unit suggestion?

    I'm thinking about getting an RO/DI unit. Can you guys tell me what are the best brands for the money. Or are they all about the same? Thanks
  3. bostonpro

    help i got some bad red slime promlem please help.

    Like you I use to have the red slime on my sandbed in my 20 gallon tank. All I did was cut my lights back from 10 hours a day to about 5 or 6 hours a day. Wait until all the red slime was gone, then start adding more time gradually until I reached 8 hours. My lights are now on for 8 hours and...
  4. bostonpro

    how do I lower my nitrates?

    I don't think nitrates being at 15 is a bad thing. But what I would be worried about is the ammonia. That should be at 0.
  5. bostonpro

    Question for BangGuy

    Oh I'm sorry, I meant refractometer. I have a refractometer, not a hydrometer.
  6. bostonpro

    Question for BangGuy

    I'm testing with a hydrometer. So is there any benefit in raising it to 1.025? The reason I have mine at 1.023 is because I figure if I get something from the fish store thats has a SG of 1.021 ( which my LFS has) then it would be easier for the fish/coral to adjust. I just use 1.023 because...
  7. bostonpro

    Question for BangGuy

    Right now my SG is at 1.023. If I remember correctly you (and others) recommend the SG be at 1.025. So I was thinking about raising it. I was just wondering if you could explain why it should be at 1.025. Thanks
  8. bostonpro

    How does this bta look?

    so his mouth sticking out like that is a sign that he is starving? I've been feeding him mysis, brine, and squid about every other day. Should I countinue that or feed every day?
  9. bostonpro

    Acclimate Anemones

    Yeah, I acclimated mine like I would anything else. I was just curious about that cause it sounded a little strange to me.
  10. bostonpro

    Acclimate Anemones

    Even on this site, if you look under the bta anemone, it says temperature acclimate for the acclimation time.
  11. bostonpro

    How does this bta look?

    Here is a picture of what he looks like early in the morning. Is this normal or bad? I read that having the mouth exposed is a bad thing. He looks like the pictures above when the lights are on though, so what do you guys think?
  12. bostonpro

    Acclimate Anemones

    Why is it that anemones only need to acclemate to temperature? Are they not effected by change in salinity? P.S. I know its a good idea to acclimate them like anything else. Just was just wondering why.
  13. bostonpro

    What other fish would you reccomend with a percula clown fish?

    I have a sixline wrasse and a purple firefish with my perc. They all get along fine.
  14. bostonpro

    Raising Salinity

    I've been keeping my SG at 1.023. From reading alot of posts on here I think I should raise it to 1.025. My question is, can I let it raise by its self through evaporation, or should I just do water changes to get it up?
  15. bostonpro

    ocellaris clown

    Check the post at the top of this forum "Common Host Anemones....." It has alot of good information.
  16. bostonpro

    How does this bta look?

    one more pic.
  17. bostonpro

    How does this bta look?

    Looks about the same to me. Maybe a little bigger. What do you guys think? He has no problem taking food. Should I be looking at getting better light? Right now I have 130 watt pc on a 20 gallon tank. The lights are about 6 months old, when should I replace the bulbs? Thanks for your input.
  18. bostonpro

    How does this bta look?

    Here are some pics I took today.
  19. bostonpro

    calcium low, alkalinity high

    Thomas- I use Instant Ocean. I get DI water from LFS. I just mix the salt in a 5 gallon jug with a lid and shake it up by hand. It's mix for at least 24 hours before I use it, most times longer. Could my problem be that I'm shaking it up by hand? Should I be using a power head instead?
  20. bostonpro

    where do you buy it?

    Could someone please tell me where you buy Silver Sides and Krill? Do you get it "fresh" at the super market or buy it frozen from the lfs?