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  1. bostonpro

    cloudy eyes?

    The other side.....
  2. bostonpro

    cloudy eyes?

    Ok, here are the pictures. The cloudy eyes first appeared on Sunday and by Tuesday he looked like this...
  3. bostonpro

    cloudy eyes?

    I was able to get some good pictures when he was first put in the QT. I can't figure out how to post them though. Any help?
  4. bostonpro

    cloudy eyes?

    Well, I'm sad to say his struggle is over...... I went ahead and moved the two Pajama Cardinals to the display tank and put the Tang in the QT. I got some antibiotics and gave him the first dose, but it was just "a little too late". He didn't make it through the night. However, the...
  5. bostonpro

    cloudy eyes?

    Yes, I do have a QT. It currently has two Pajama Cardinals in it, that I just got last week. Do you suggest I go ahead and move the Cardinals to the display tank and put the Tang in the QT? Which antibiotic do you suggest I use? Is this disease contagious to the other fish in the display tank?
  6. bostonpro

    cloudy eyes?

    No, this isn't that tang. The cloudiness in his eyes won't show up in the pictures I take. He doesn't seem to be doing very well. I just fed them and the tang didn't eat at all. What should I do?
  7. bostonpro

    cloudy eyes?

    I have had this yellow tang for around 3-4 months. He's the one that got ich really bad and I treated with hyposalinity, which took care of that problem. I have also been dealing with HLLE with him. I am trying to cure the HLLE by feeding him a variety of foods; Omega One, Formula Two, brine...
  8. bostonpro

    cloudy eyes?

    My yellow tang has gotten really pale in color with a cloudy film over its eyes. It also looks as though his side fins are torn a little. Is this some type of disease? The parameters are ph = 8.2, ammonia = 0, nitrite = 0, nitrate = 20.
  9. bostonpro

    Eclipse QT

    I have an Eclipse tank set up as my QT and I've noticed that the pump makes a very loud humming/buzzing sound. It seems like the pump goes through a "cycle" about every hour or so. It starts out as a soft hum and then gets louder and louder. This lasts for about 2 minutes then it shuts off...
  10. bostonpro

    QT inverts?

    Should I put any new shrimp or crabs in the QT before introducing them into the main tank?
  11. bostonpro

    Injured clown fish

    Yeah, I can try that. Will the bully be ok in the QT with the coral beuty and the tiny sixline?
  12. bostonpro

    Injured clown fish

    I have a pair of false percs that have been fighting for about two weeks now. The little one that is being picked on is very pale in color and has a little bubble in his skin below his bottom lip and another below his eye. I assume it is damage from fighting. He is now at the point were he...
  13. bostonpro

    Need help quick!

    he's about 3/4 inch. I went ahead and put him in the QT. He ate little pieces of brine and I crushed up some flake for him. Thanks
  14. bostonpro

    Need help quick!

    I just got a tiny sixline wrasse, I asked the LFS guy if he would be able to eat food since his mouth is so small. He said that he would just pick at the live rock and stuff. If thats the case, then should I put him staight into my display tank? I have a QT but there is no live rock in it...
  15. bostonpro

    Clownfish are fighting

    No no no. We've had them for two months. They just started fighting about three or four days ago. And yes they are in the 55 gallon. So I should just let them be and hope for the best? Thanks guys for your response.
  16. bostonpro

    Clownfish are fighting

    they are false percs. Should I separate them, or just let them continue fighting?
  17. bostonpro

    Clownfish are fighting

    We've had a pair of clowns for almost two months now. I know that they are supposed to fight in order to establish the female and male. It looks like that is happening, the more aggressive fish is getting bigger. My question is, could the dominate clown kill the other clown in all this...
  18. bostonpro

    Anybody interested in posting up some Holiday Recipes?

    I have a very simple corn recipe.... it's delicious. Boil in pan on stove, 1 bag of frozen corn. Drain water after cooked. Add one stick oleo and 1 8oz package of cream cheese. Heat until all is melted. Really good.
  19. bostonpro

    QT question

    If I put all new fish in the QT for 2-3 weeks and there are no signs of ich on the fish, can I be pretty sure that it will not get ich? Or is it possible that the fish could have ich, but it is just in one of the other stages of it's life cycle that I cannot visibly see and it will develop once...
  20. bostonpro

    Beth: Hypo ?

    Just wanted to report that the hyposalinity treatment seems to be working. The ich has cleared up on the tang. It's only been a few days, so will continue for the 3 weeks. I'm so relieved, I was really starting to worry about the health of the tang. He is much more active now and eating like...