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  1. bostonpro

    Is this normal?

    I'm treating with hyposalinity. Remember, you already answered a few questions to help me with that. The tang is starting to look better. There is alot less ich on him now. Thanks Beth.
  2. bostonpro

    Is this normal?

    Question for Beth: My yellow tang has ich really bad. I have noticed that my yellow tailed blue damsel appears to be eating the ich off the tang? Do you think that's really what he's doing? Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
  3. bostonpro

    Beth: Hypo ?

    Last night it appeared that my yellow tailed blue damsel was eating the ich off the yellow tang. Do you think that's what he was really doing? Is this normal? Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
  4. bostonpro

    Beth: Hypo ?

    Thanks for the help Beth!
  5. bostonpro

    Beth: Hypo ?

    Do I start counting the 3 weeks once the salinity reaches 1.009 or once the ich is off the fish?
  6. bostonpro

    Beth: Hypo ?

    How long should it take for the white spots on the fish to go away after the salinity is at 14 ppt? I have been lowering the salinity for the past 3 days or so. It is finally at 14 ppt and still my tang is not looking any better. I read in your post in the FAQ thread that you start counting...
  7. bostonpro

    Ick on Yellow Tang

    I just got a refractometer I ordered from this site, so I'll be using that to measure the salinity. Another question I have is how do I calibrate it? I thought I read on the FAQ post that it has to be calibrated at 68 degrees. The problem I have is that no room in my house is 68 degrees.
  8. bostonpro


    Cool. Thanks for the help.
  9. bostonpro


    I'm starting a 20 gallon reef tank. I was told that a protein skimmer is all the filtration I need. Is this true? Do I not need a hang on or something with carbon? Thanks.
  10. bostonpro

    Ick on Yellow Tang

    Thanks for the reply. Are you sure that dropping the SG down to 1.009 won't stress the fish or anything. Just seems a little extreme.
  11. bostonpro

    Ick on Yellow Tang

    Yeah, I was going to put the live rock and shrimp in the 20 gallon and keep the fish in the 55.
  12. bostonpro

    Ick on Yellow Tang

    I forgot my water parameters. ammonia = 0 nitrite = 0 ph = 8.0 - 8.3 sg = 1.022
  13. bostonpro

    Ick on Yellow Tang

    I have a 55 gallon with 2 clowns, 3 damsels, a yellow tang, live rock, and a cleaner shrimp. The tang has had ick for about 3 weeks now (since I got him). I've been feeding him Formula Two frozen food with some garlic added to it. I've been hoping he will get ride of it by him self, but so...