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  1. bostonpro

    calcium low, alkalinity high

    I would still test the water change water after 24 hours of mixing. Does it ever mix up cloudy? If not then just test it. Thomas, my water is always cloudy when I add it to my tank. Is this bad? If so, what should I do?
  2. bostonpro

    How does this bta look?

    He seems to eat pretty good. I've been feeding him some mysis and brine. I have about 6.5 watts per gallon of pc light, so hopefully that should be good enough. I'll try and take another picture within the next day or two and post it. To me he seems to be doing better, but this is the first...
  3. bostonpro

    How does this bta look?

    Just wondering what you experts think. On the way home from picking him up, his mouth was exposed quite a bit. Then that nite he shrivled down alot. He looks alot better in this pic than what he did when I got him home from the lfs. Just wondering if this is what he should look like or is...
  4. bostonpro

    Can I have a RBTA?

    Also I forgot to mention my lighting. I have power compact lighting. A 65 watt actinic and a 65 watt 10,000K. Is this enought light? By my calculations its about 6.5 watts per gallon.
  5. bostonpro

    Can I have a RBTA?

    My 20 gallon tank has been set up for 5 months now. I have a frogspawn and green brain have been doing very well for a while now (along with other mushrooms and button polyps). The tank has quite a bit of coraline growth already so I assume the tank is doing good. I got a clown a while back...
  6. bostonpro

    sally light foot crab

    We have a small camel shrimp. The LFS said that a sally light foot crab would pick on the shrimp. Is this true?
  7. bostonpro

    CC star experts

    2 months
  8. bostonpro

    CC star experts

    The middle of my chocolate chip star looks all mushy. Never seen this before. Just wondering if this is normal or is it about to die? Thanks
  9. bostonpro

    quarantine fish

    right now, after a new fish has been quarantined, I acclimate the fish to my display tank. But I was wondering if this is necessary. If the quarantine tank and the display tank have the same temp, the same salinity, and the same ph, then do you have to acclimate them or can you just take the...
  10. bostonpro

    peppermint fish cleaner??

    Isn't a fire shrimp a cleaner shrimp as well? I have a cleaner and a fire shrimp and they both jump on my hand and pick at it.
  11. bostonpro

    How many fish in 20 gallon

    I'm somewhat new to this hobby, so I could be wrong. But I don't think a skimmer removes nitrates. Does it?
  12. bostonpro

    How many fish in 20 gallon

    Something I never could understand is how people's tanks read 0 nitrates. Even when I had one fish I still got about 5 or 10 nitrate reading. I thought nitrates are the end product of the biological filtration. So, if you don't have anything to remove the nitrates other than water changes, how...
  13. bostonpro

    How many fish in 20 gallon

    I have a 20 gallon reef tank with a sixline wrasse and a purple firefish. A cleaner shrimp, fire shrimp, many crabs and snails. The tank seems to be doing well, nitrates never go above 10 or 15 between water changes. I just got a true perc tonight and was wondering if that is all I should get...
  14. bostonpro

    bi-color blenny

    I meant by the fact that the top half of his body is darker than the bottom half of his body. I know that he is supposed to be dark purple/ orange. But if you look at the picture, he is dark purple on the top half and a light purple(almost white) on the bottom half of his body.
  15. bostonpro

    bi-color blenny

    Also the white markings that come and go on him. From what I read on here, this is normal, just wanted to double check on that as well.
  16. bostonpro

    bi-color blenny

    We just got the blenny a week ago and within the last couple days he has changed color. The top half of his body is darker than the bottom half of his body. I assume this is ok, but I just wanted to check and make sure. Any reason why this happend?
  17. bostonpro

    Nassarius Snails?

    Are there different types of nassarius snails? I got some that look like the picture on this website. Then I had a different fish store order some for me and they are different. These ones are a little bigger and the shell is mostly white/cream color with some darker lines on them. They also...
  18. bostonpro

    melefix and copods

    I think what Beth meant was you "should not" treat with medications in a tank with live rock.
  19. bostonpro

    cloudy eyes?

    Yes you may use the photos. We feed him three times a day. He was eating Formula 2, flake, brine, mysis, and he had macro algea in the tank for him to graze on. We also added drops of vitamins to his food. I did order a grounding probe to try and help with the HLLE but it hasn't arrived yet...
  20. bostonpro

    cloudy eyes?

    Unfortunately he did not make it through Tuesday night. So, what do you think it was? Bacteria infection? Fungus?