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  1. jhc


    I have used distilled all along. Thanks JHC
  2. jhc


    I am fairly new to the hobby, and I need some help. I have had a 55 gallon tank for about a year with no problems. I have 2 percs, a firefish, 10 hermits and some astria and sandsifter snails and a peppermint shrimp. I had no problems until 2 days ago I noticed my cleaner shrimp was gone and...
  3. jhc


    My tank has been up for about 6 months and is doing well. I have 2 percs 10 scarlet hermits 10 astria snails 5 cerinths 1 skunk cleaner and 1 peppermint shrimp 1 emerald crab I am thinking about adding a firefish or two. How have your experience with these fish been, and do people recommend...
  4. jhc

    Take my poll, pwease? *Puppy Eyes*

    Definitely coke. And back to the Pepsi question...Down here you don't drink a pepsi, but if you do you still say, "I'm fixin' to get a coke." JHC
  5. jhc

    dying hermits

    yes, I've got a good many more shells. When you say they might have gotten captured, what do you mean? Is one of my other critters likely to go after a hermit if he isn't in his shell? Thanks for the reply. JHC
  6. jhc

    dying hermits

    I'm new to this hobby. I have a 55 gallon that has been going for about 4-5 months. I have 2 percs, 1 lawnmower blenny,2 peppermint shrimp, 5 snails and about 7 hermits. I also have 40 lbs LR and 30 lbs LS. I use a Fluval 404 cannister filter. My parameters are ammonia 0, nitrites 0...
  7. jhc

    Deep Six is driving me insane....HELP

    You may want to check it against another hydrometer. I had problems early on with livestock dying and then checked my hydrometer with one at the LFS and found mine consistently read .7 lower than the others. JHC
  8. jhc

    clip for algae sheets

    dumb question, but when people talk about using a clip for algae sheets or lettuce to feed their blennies or other algae eaters, what kind of clip are they talking about and do you just clip the sheet in and leave it in the water. Also what about the frozen cubes of plant and algae... are they...
  9. jhc

    adding some inverts

    I am new to this hobby. I have a 55 gallon with 40 lbs live rock, LS and CC. I have 2 percs and about 7 hermits. I have had the fish for about 2 weeks and the tank is 4 months old. I had a rough start but things are going well now, and I am thinking about adding some inverts. I am...
  10. jhc

    SWF.COM Order!

    I'm new at this but is there any problem with adding that many animals at one time. I have thought about ordering from them, but I have been afraid to put that many citters in my tank at one time for fear of an ammonia spike. I think I had problems with that at one time and lost snails and...
  11. jhc

    What fish next?

    maybe a dumb question, but dried seaweed...can you use sushi roll seaweed sheets? JHC
  12. jhc

    What fish next?

    I am new to this hobby; I have had my 55 gallon for about four months and am finally getting going ok. I have had a few bumps in the road but now have 40 lbs of LR, 20 lbs LS 2 percs and 6 hermits. I have had the percs for a couple of weeks and am planning on taking my time adding new...
  13. jhc

    Friend for Clownfish?

    thanks so far for the advice...I floated him and released him in the middle of the tank and he swam around for a while but then he settled on that end of the tank and he doesn't like to leave it. Will he do better with another perc or will he do ok with an entirely different species? JHC
  14. jhc

    Friend for Clownfish?

    He is the only fish so far. I have about 6 hermits and nothing else...45 LBS live rock.
  15. jhc

    Friend for Clownfish?

    I have a neww 55 gal that has been cycled for about 2 months and I just got a perc clownfish last week. He is the only fish in the tank so far and he is doing well. He does hang out in the corner though and rarely leave the end of the tank. It almost looks like he is hanging around his...
  16. jhc

    revised fish list

    any reason people are against the Naso?
  17. jhc

    quarantine tanks

    I am new here and I got started on advice from lfs. No QT ever mentioned. After a few mishaps I think I need a QT. I have a 55 gallon display tank and am not going to be too aggressive with it. How big of a QT do I need. Also for shrimp and most crabs, do you need special lighting or will...
  18. jhc

    Sick Clownfish

    yeh, I think it is ick. I went to the store and they gave me some ick attack. It is a biologic treatment. It is safe for the LR and other critters, but I don't know how effective it is; Anyone know anything about it? I don't have a QT, but I am definiteldy heading that way. I hope I'm not...
  19. jhc

    Sick Clownfish

    I am new to this hobby and would appreciate some help. I have a 55 gallon tank and have had it for about 2 months. It finished cycling about 3 weeks ago. I have about 45 lbs of live rock 5 turbos and 5 hermits. I have had 2 damsels for about 2 weeks and 2 days ago I added a clownfish and a...
  20. jhc


    I am new to this hobby. I have had a 55 gallon for about 2 months. After a few bumps in the road I got it cycled. I ahve had 2 damsels for about 2 weeks. 2 days ago I added a clown and a blennie. All was well, but last night I noticed the clown did not look well and did not eat. This AM I...