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  1. sgtdraven

    New bulb - whatcha think?

  2. sgtdraven

    few questions

    im in the process of setting up a 30 gallon reef i want to keep some mushrooms some xenia an open brain and have a pair of clowns ..ok but here is the questions can you use the southdown playsand with a plenum system or is it to fine to use?...second question is lighting for the corals mentioned...
  3. sgtdraven

    Reverse Osmosis

    es the ro remove chlorine and chloramine?
  4. sgtdraven


    ok i know that im way late on this subject but let me just add my two cents : if givin to me the advice from the two i would have to go with trey.what everyone has failed to see here is that the science of keeping marine specimens in captivity (even in the wild)changes everyday what we dont know...
  5. sgtdraven

    Starfish & Livesand..Good or Bad

    whats the consensus on the blue starfish
  6. sgtdraven


    angel email me private and i will send you a link that will explain everything you need to know
  7. sgtdraven


    i totally agree queens are just to sweet...
  8. sgtdraven

    Mandarin Goby and Lawnmower Blenny

    now it is my turn i guess.i never seen burn say he could not have or keep the fish just that he didnt recommend it to someone who didnt understand the needs of the fish that should go without saying for all living things.i see here personally that burn does spend alot of his valuable time here...
  9. sgtdraven

    Tank of Death!!

    personally i'm not sure one powerhead that size is enough as far as the corals maybe light need more info though
  10. sgtdraven

    Building a LARGE Tank

    would like to see that tank kind of sounds off the wall......please send
  11. sgtdraven

    Pics of my tank... (long)

    then is it just his lighting making this fish look black?
  12. sgtdraven

    Pics of my tank... (long)

    so the gold stripe is black and the white stripe isnt?
  13. sgtdraven

    Pics of my tank... (long)

    what kind of clown is that in the rock?
  14. sgtdraven

    better skimmer

    thanks guys i guess turbo wins....
  15. sgtdraven

    better skimmer

    burlin classic or turbo?
  16. sgtdraven

    Sumps send
  17. sgtdraven

    freshwater ?

    i know this is a saltwater bb but i got a ? about freshwater ick...i have a small 10 gallon for the kid in it are about six small fish..i introduced a red platy and two small barbs last week that seemed fine and i have seen them several times at the lfs so i bought them..three days later they...
  18. sgtdraven


    are any of you guys breeding clowns?
  19. sgtdraven

    cleaner wrasse

    do you guys use nthem and if so what one do you have?:P
  20. sgtdraven


    wolf can u mail me the info also? :p