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  1. crabbe

    Imitation live rock

    I will be using "tufa rock" made by feller stone. It looks nice and I was told that if I add coralline to the water it will start to look like live rock.
  2. crabbe

    moving turbo & astrea snails

    I asked because I might be moving within the next year and I am setting up a 46g bow. DO you have a regimen for moving?
  3. crabbe

    24 g. Nano Cube

    It's beautiful!! Nice work:)
  4. crabbe

    Does anyone have a helmet cowfish?

    This info is great and I truly appreciate it!
  5. crabbe

    Possible tank list unless......

    Thanks for the advice and I will defintitely keep it in mind when actually selecting my tankmates!
  6. crabbe

    Possible tank list unless......

    unless someone tells me something different. Here it goes 46g Bowfront FOWLR 40lbs. Fiji Pink 15lbs. Live Rock so far Inhabitants timely spaced apart, but eventually 2 percula clownfish 1 white sandsifting goby 1 pink firefish 1 pajama cardinal 1 threadfin butterfly or some other type 1 helmet...
  7. crabbe

    Does anyone have a helmet cowfish?

    Actually yes I do!!! I am interested in purchasing one from the LFS and I was told many things about them and wanted to know if what I have read and heard are true. 1.)Exactly how delicate is this fish? I would like to place him with: 2 percula clowns, 1 white sandsifting goby, 1 pajama...
  8. crabbe

    Power Heads for a 46g?

    Thank you so much. That advice is all I needed to hear. I thought I should get some but the LFS didn't say anything about them. I knew something was missing from my setup :happyfish
  9. crabbe

    Finally some pics of my tank

    very niceeeee!!!
  10. crabbe

    Power Heads for a 46g?

    Is it really necessary in a FO tank to have power heads? or a FOWLR tank?
  11. crabbe

    moving turbo & astrea snails

    What size tank do you have?
  12. crabbe

    Does anyone have a helmet cowfish?

    Just curious?