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  1. coopersx

    Bio Ball question here ??

    Thanks for that diagram Oceana. I will be converting to this type of setup in the near future. I currently have an All Glass 54 gallon corner tank that I set up a couple months ago. It has the overflow built into the corner of the tank and the sump is underneath. I currently have the bioballs...
  2. coopersx

    Bio Ball question here ??

    I wish I could answer whether lighting is needed for the live rock. I am also unsure about the nitrate build up. I have not researched either of these...just going by what I have read in the past. My thought is this. Normal flourescent lighting is probably needed for the live rock in the sump...
  3. coopersx

    Bio Ball question here ??

    I cannot picture this setup enough to tell where the noise is coming from. If it comes from where the water spills over like a water fall and is caused by the "splashing" (For a lack of better choice of words) from it landing in the water filled sump below (or internal /external overflow...
  4. coopersx

    need opinions on lighting please!!!!

    Both lights may have seperate power cords for both the Daylight and Actinic bulbs...I am unsure. One of those cords may be for the Moonlight. As far as accepatble lighting I think these lights will support anything you put in your tank. If not at the bottom certainly moving them up to the top...
  5. coopersx

    need opinions on lighting please!!!!

    I do not think it matters that one has 2 fans unless the 2 fan model runs hotter. That concerns me. They both appear to be essentially the same unit and I would go with the one that runs cooler. I have heard good things about the Current USA products. I have the Current USA Orbit and will...
  6. coopersx

    Reef lighting not so basic

    Hi Shark and no disrespect. By my problem was not so much lack of reserch as opposed to my lack of understanding that research. It was not untill your post that I realized that NO flourescent lighting that you mentioned should not be taken literaly. In other posts when someone mentioned NO...
  7. coopersx

    help with first anemones.

    I feel the Condylatic Gigantica is the best choice for a first Anemone. There are some serious downsides to keeping this speciman. The negatives first. A lot of these are unhealthy do to poor collection. Even the healthy ones may be damaged by the dealer when they go to remove them from the tank...
  8. coopersx

    Reef lighting not so basic

    Hi Shark and thanks for restating this. Sorry :( One person had stated that you could get by with less wattage when using high output lighting vs N.O. florescents. I kind of doubted this and was wishfull thinking. It really would be nice...I mean cheaper <G>... if 130 watts of full spectrum...
  9. coopersx

    Help with low PH

    I do not know the specifics but if you test your PH first thing in the morning after it has been dark all night your reading will be lower. Recheck again after the lights have been on for 12 hrs. and I am certain it will be higher. Something about darkness lowers the PH in the tank or vice...
  10. coopersx

    Reef lighting not so basic

    Thanks for the replies. Hi Shark. Power compacts are fairly new and I am almost certain that full spectrum flourescent bulbs ( not full spectrum flourescent power compacts) were being used at the time estimates were being made as to what lighting requirements were necessary for certain corals...
  11. coopersx

    Reef lighting not so basic

    I am posting these 2 questions here because I am certain anyone with a reef tank also has some sort of high output lighting. General rule of thunb is 3-5 watts per gallon for medium light loving corals. Ignoring the fact that it really is not the wattage per gallon but the distance from the...
  12. coopersx

    Sweetlips Clown/Grub Feeding Question

    Hi Janice. Your advice is excellent and should not be ignored by anyone. I have found 2 reliable scources other then online research that are fairly local for me. One dealer is in De. about one hour drive for me and the other is "All fish" in Clifton N.J. 3+ hours away. A web search will find...
  13. coopersx

    Sweetlips Clown/Grub Feeding Question

    Thanks for the reply. I came home and the fish was under a rock near death. He died after 48 hours. I feel this species of fish should be sold by *request* only. If a person is dedicated and willing to take the risk and time of raising one from juvinile to adult then they would have no problem...
  14. coopersx

    bad batch of Instant Ocean

    I am a newbie. My FOWLR is a little more then 2 mo. old. I added Instant Ocean directly to the water and cycled the salt in my tank for 3 weeks before adding live rock. Some of the salt never disolved and settled at the bottom of the tank. It was a small amount (but enough of a dusting to...
  15. coopersx

    Sweetlips Clown/Grub Feeding Question

    I recently purchased a sweetlips clown fish. Sorry, I have since found that this fish will easily outgrow my tank and is not a recomeneded fish for the marine aquarium. The dealer stated that he would not get very big and would eat flakes and frozen Brine shrimp. My tank is a 54 gallon corner...