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  1. coopersx

    5 week old 54 gallon new setup/ web pics

    What you are saying may be true. When you say bleached do you mean dyed? Condylatics have a wide range of colors and I am sure what you state is true....if it is bleaching??? I believe the footing is what you want to look at more so then shruken tenticles or perhaps the color. I have not heard...
  2. coopersx

    5 week old 54 gallon new setup/ web pics

    Hi all. Sorry I missed these posts. I was told that the blue actinic is counted in the total wattage per gallon...Though I have also been told what you state...65 watt of full spectrum only = about 1 watt per gallon.The Condylatic Anemone was totally white with no color in its tips at the time...
  3. coopersx

    5 week old 54 gallon new setup/ web pics

    Hi all. Sorry I missed these posts. I was told that the blue actinic is counted in the total wattage per gallon...Though I have also been told what you state...65 watt of full spectrum only = about 1 watt per gallon.The Condylatic Anemone was totally white with no color in its tips at the time...
  4. coopersx

    Lighting Question

    I do not disagree with that. That is not stated on their web site but should be common knowledege. But what makes me laugh is that Current states that they can be left on 24/ if that is some sort of special feature. Take care, Wayne
  5. coopersx

    Lighting Question

    <SNIP> "only thing would be that they'd burn out faster, they are LED's so they should last quite a long time. If you remember to turn them off while the others are on they'll last longer." LOL...and that is why at Current USA website they state "and you can leave the lunar lights on all the...
  6. coopersx

    Live Rock vs Bio Balls in sump ??

    Here is an article which states just what you had clarified... That distilled water is safe to use as top off water in a marine setting that contains fish. One site states do not use distilled water about every other sentence :)... One problem. In my most recent research it states that Distilled...
  7. coopersx

    Live Rock vs Bio Balls in sump ??

    I probably heard it as one of those extreme examples like you hear about such as never wring out your filter pad in fresh water. I will look for the link and post it. I am unsure of the site at this point. Take care, Wayne P.S. There are a lot of things you should not do if you want to be a...
  8. coopersx

    Lighting Question

    Consider yourself lucky that you have 3 seperate power cords...some units only have 2. Question: Do you count the one hr. before the full spectrum lights come on as part of the 12hr lighting period? Example: Blue light on for one hr--- Daylight and blue light both on for 10 Hrs.--- blue light...
  9. coopersx

    How long before amnonia spikes?

    I initially added 38 Lbs of live rock to my 54 gallon tank. I use a wet/dry filter with bio-balls. I use the same test kit as yours. I need to call AP tech support. Leave a message. They will return your call, usually the next day. My question is how to read the tube. Do you place it *against*...
  10. coopersx

    He Molted!! He Molted!!!

    That is to funny. I wonder if it has something to do with the full moon. I looked in my tank this morning and saw an empty shell the size of my cleaner shrimp in the substrate. I thought the Condylatic Anemone ate him. And then I realized he molted. My shrimp lives on top of the power head...
  11. coopersx

    5 week old 54 gallon new setup/ web pics

    Almost forgot . The cycleing was a shock for me. It made me think there was nothing on the rock alive...therefore nothing to die off :) The dealer had 5 tanks full of rock and I picked out the most porous pieces (lighter and cheaper) and they were pretty clean and all had some coraline on them...
  12. coopersx

    5 week old 54 gallon new setup/ web pics

    The lighting is minisclue...2- 65 watt power compacts. It is the Current USA Orbit power compact. 1 daylight and 1 actinic blue. The invertabrates are high on the tank. The tang is the smallest the store had and I purchased him and the 5 turbo snails as soon as the diatom bloom appeared. It...
  13. coopersx

    5 week old 54 gallon new setup/ web pics

    This tank is 5 weeks old. The rock cycled in 6 days. I am finished adding to it for now. The rock on the top was added a few days ago and was already cured but looks white. The ligting is underpowered for the depth and size of this tank but may suffice untill I upgrade. I hope to have good...
  14. coopersx

    brown algae wont go away

    Everything I have read about Brown Diatom is they live off of silicates. Remove the Silicates and the Diatom will die off and disappear...Cannot live with out this. Sure phosphates and other things may help this to grow but the common denomitaor is silcates...which regardless of anything else...
  15. coopersx

    Another lighting question

    Hi Murph. Thanks for the excellent reply. Sorry took so long getting back. Here is a pic of my setup. A 54 gallon corner tank with 5 week old live rock (cycled in 6 days...I also never got an amonia or nitrite spike after adding fish...only during the live rcok cycle) I do a 3 gallon per week...
  16. coopersx

    Another lighting question

    Lets sayI have 50 gallon tank and a 100 gallon tank. They both use a single 200 watt power compact for lighting. If I were to place a coral 8 " from the light scource ( at the top of the tank)....would the coral receive the same amount of light even though the the tanks are different sizes. I...
  17. coopersx

    Live Rock vs Bio Balls in sump ??

    As far as using tap water for cleaning the filter for the drip plate (or any other filter that has small pours similar to a coffee filter )will not have a significant impact on the systems biological filtration. The sponge in the sump could probably easily be wrung out in salt water but there...
  18. coopersx

    need new lighting suggestions

    I think Current USA has a good off the shelf product for the price. I believe they have what they call the Outer Orbit which includes one or two metal halides (with electronic ballasts) as well as the power compacts that you mention. This is what you will need to get the wattage up for a...
  19. coopersx

    Clown Sweetlips???

    I would ask the dealer how long that particular fish has been in the tank. Then find out if they have any difficulty feeding him. If the dealer is unsure about feeding see if the fish will eat before purchasing. Maybe this particular fish has already adapted to aquarium feeding (unlike in the...
  20. coopersx

    live rock

    Well I am curious as to how the other rock you ordered turned out. I doubt anything would be any different. I am unsure what chemicals that the Kent product you refer to contains but it may be something that is already available free in the water you use. I would definetly scrub the rock to...